20th of December, 2022.

               Merry Christmas! Early? Yep! But today you can become my Early Santa Claus and give me the best of my Christmas gifts… keep my blog ALIVE!
              Right now, I have no means of renewing my subscription of WordPress, which is about to expire on the 31st of December. Without it, I can still keep writing and posting on it, but without any photographs, because the capacity of uploading photographs for my free plan it is finished!
              So if you can, and if you want, on my front page you can click on the button “GIFT” and give the author (me) a WordPress membership. I wish I could collect small donations, from different readers, and then get the subscription when it reached the proper amount, but unfortunately I cannot do that with my free plan.
              In any case, I already thank you for your support, for reading my blog and being part of my little adventure around the world!

              Thank you!

              Merry Christmas!


              Feliz Natal!

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