18th of November, 2022.

               As we say in Brazil: “Chuta que é macumba!” (Kick because it is macumba). Yeah, no translation in English for the term.
              This is a quick drop out of what is in my heart because, seriously, I want to understand WHAT IS GOING ON?
              As you all know, I try to live and to travel without using money as much as possible. Only when necessary. And I try to keep some pocket money in case of emergencies. My last emergency was getting stuck in East Asia (Turkmenistan is closed and Azerbaijan has its land borders closed), so I’m catching a flight to India. I had to use HALF of my resources on the ticket.
              Today I was told that, the other 2/3 of my remaining cash resources, meaning 150£, it is out of market. They replaced the paper banknotes per new plastic ones! What? W-h-a-t? And I don’t know if it is more ironic or what, but the complete change it happened on the 30th of September! Just a little while ago!
              So let’s just keep up with my maré de azar (streak of bad luck):

  •               Locked out of my MAIN Gmail account, with all my contacts;
  •               Lost the access to my Covid-19 Status, which info I had in that Gmail account;
  •               Terrible cold, not allowing me to visit Almaty, Kazakhstan, for the 9 days I was here;
  •               Stuck in East Asia and had to use 250 US Dollars to fly out;
  •               Lost 150£, 2/3 of my current resources, to time!
  •               Unable to work as Aupair or Nanny to make some cash because there are NO free websites available which I can contact families (the only one completely free for messages only accept Aupairs under 30 years of age)

              So I’m sorry if this post sound a tiny bit too whiny, I don’t like that either, but it is just that I have to ask if there is anything going on out there which I don’t know? Some alignment of the planets, eclipses, year of the dog, or what ever that it is giving such bad luck? And WHEN it is going to pass because, honestly, I don’t know how much more of this I can take it!
              Don’t worry! I’m still laughing, though! If there is something I learnt by experience is that, crying or getting stressed during bad situations do not help in anyway. They don’t solve the problem! But please, what ever is your believes, send me some good energy because I am in need!
              Thank for reading 🙂

2 Replies to “Streak of bad luck!!!”

  1. Hi Lei,

    As you will know, travelling always consists of phases. It’s always a up and a down, as life is.
    Often we are delighted to experience amazing moments and we can’t believe how lucky we are.
    And then there are times where life seems to be against us, where nothing is working out as we want to.
    But I think that this is important as well. We can appreciate life and travel afterwards much more again.

    In your current situation it seems like everything is pointing against you. Nothing is running as it should.
    It definetily won’t be the first time in your travelling, but I know that it sucks.
    One thing after another going wrong, but as I could read you are doing the right thing.
    Staying positive, also when it’s super hard, is key.
    The amazing moments will come back and everything will run smoothly again!
    In the end it is all just part of your travelling.

    Muita sorte

    1. Hi, Tobi!

      Thank you for your kind words and support!
      It is always nice to have some other travellers words on the blog!
      How is your journey going? And where are you from?

      Tudo de bom para você também!

      Big hug,

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