16th of November, 2022.

               Hello, my friends! How are you?
              Today I’m here to tell you that, even though most of the times I am extremely happy about my life, I’m positive and optimistic, sometimes life can be a bitch! And lately, mine has become a big bitch!
I have recently lost access to my main Gmail account. The one where I had all the contacts, of all the people I have been meeting around the world for the past almost 6 years. Yep! Not so great to Lei!
              I was so disappointed and sad. How to keep in touch with all these wonderful friends?
              Because of that I even considered stop writing on the blog and posting in the recent created Instagram. That is not the only reason. I have also had very little time to write and to post. I am current in Kazakhstan, about 5 countries ahead of my last posts of Turkey. And that is a bit demotivating.
              Another big reason if the fact I cannot attract more people to the blog. My main goal is letting people know about travels, about the world, about the good people out there ready and whiling to help travellers. I want to led people to travel more, to help them to discover this beautiful (still) planet we live on it. But how to let more people know about my blog? I don’t know! Can you help me? Can you advertise the link in your social networks? Can you tell your friends about it? Can you make a post on Instagram? Any kind of help is welcome! Thank you!
              But as a good friend of mine would say: What to do? So I decide to keep the hard work.
              After creating the Instagram a few months ago, I was planning to send an email to all my contacts, updating them about the blog and the new Instagram page. But i was to slow and now it is not possible anymore. So I feel like I’m starting from zero and not after 5 years and a half of travels.
              Perhaps that is for better. A new start, reborn? Nah… just kidding! Just stay with me and help me out a little, will you? That would be great!
              Last thing to say is: I have recently been to Russia and it was AMAZING! I had a great time, Russian people are just lovely and friendly and hitchhiking in Russia it was super easy, fast and great! Please give a chance to the country! Most of people living there have nothing to do with all this bullshit!
              Ah! And I’m also recovering of a very strong cold! After more than 2 years without any sickness, hitchhiking under the snow, having my tent frozen in the winter and not getting even a sneeze, I was about to die for a entire week! But kiss my ass, bitch side of life, because I’m back and ready to roll!
              Here is the Instagram account: @10yearsaroundtheworld (I still have to figure out how to add to the blog…)

2 Replies to “Lost Gmail account / Instagram / the FUTURE of the blog”

  1. Hi Lei! Good to hear from you! I wish I could help but I have no experience with this problem. But I hope that some of your friends can help you. Have a great time in Kazakhstan. Take care of yourself!

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