14th to 29th of April, 2022.

               Of course he does not show that in the first day and in front of our host. He behaves very weirdly, being rude many times, but it seems just his way.
             Next morning U. leaves early to Fethiye and will remain there for a few days. It is my birthday. On this day, perhaps because it is my birthday and U. have told the guy, he behaves a bit more normally. Although I think he got upset (laugh) by the fact I refused to come to his room (what?) to watch a film together. Laugh.
              But the hell starts next day. I can’t explain his behavior in another words than – he is crazy. So he yells, argue for absolutely no reason, throw a bag of vegetable in my direction, smokes in his room (even thought the host prohibited him of doing it), and when I confront him, because we leave in container rooms, so all the smoke comes to my room, he lie to my face denying he is smoking, etc.
              What upsets me is that my host does nothing about it! And it is not even because he does not believe on me or something, because Aly / Adi had already put some other ladies to run from here. This guy was truly dangerous, and could have tried to hurt me or someone else. I try to be reasonable and understand that he is leaving in a few days and, apparently, he has been working hard, but that is not an excuse to treat people like that. During my volunteer work in Czech Republic, when one of the volunteer was acting weird and after all had an bad argument with the someone, he was given the next day to find himself a place and then bye-bye.
              So this guy is staying until the end of the week so I have some really unpleasant days with him around. But I try to focus on my work and not talking to him.

             I am feeding the chickens, dogs and cats early morning and after that, I work my 5 hours digging out weeds from the lavender fields. It is hard work and I get many blisters, but it is also rewarding.
              There is plenty of food, cheese, honey, yogurt, cereals and many other things, but the crazy guy from Albania insist on complaining we don’t have enough food. And he drinks about one litre of milk per day. Laugh.
              This region, the South Western part of Turkey, it has so many huge and beautiful mountains! It is amazing! I have never though of Turkey in this way. It really impress me! The farm itself is surrounded by mountains, we have gorgeous views from here, from my room, the kitchen, everywhere. It is kind of a 360° view.
              But when if you go for hiking, be aware of the dogs. Dear Loki, they are annoying. I love dogs but in Turkey they all bark at you! Most of them are only trying to scary you, like an alarm system, but they are big! It is impossible not to get a bit scary. I always had a walking stick with me, just in case.
              On the day of my departure, U. drove me to Seydikemer, because I am going towards Aspendos, so this is the way.

View to the lavender field, in front of the house
Sunsets around here are amazing!





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