28th of March, 2022.

               My hitchhiking spot is not bad. Just outside town, in front of a gas station, plenty of space to park and chance to people to see me. But after 4 hours nobody has even offered to drive me to the next town, Kalika.
              When a car stops, even before getting to it I knew that the guy was a jerk. How? I don’t know. Hopefully my instincts are getting better. But because he offered to drive me to Kalika, only 20 minutes away, I decide I could deal with him for 20 minutes.
              At the next crossroads, he shows as he will turn left, when I know that the road to Kalika it is straight ahead. I ask him what he is doing and he says that the road is not good. Bullshit! And I knew it! Why didn’t I say anything? I should have made him either carry on the same road or stop the car so I could come out. Why didn’t I? Even though I though I could deal with him, I should have done something about the road.
              His English is not so good. He asks some questions to which I answer a bit reluctant. At some point, in a road in the middle of nowhere, he says that I am beautiful and ask me to f#&% with him. Ill!!! I think my stomach threw up a little bit just by the mention of such a thing. Disgusting! After I say 100 times NO, he keeps talking about and asking why. “I am not beautiful?”, He asks at some point. I wanted to laugh so hard but I controlled myself. It is not because you are not beautiful, darling, but is because you are so Loki damn it disgusting, that you make the movie Pink Flamingos look like Barbie.
              When we are passing a small village I tell him either he shut the fuck up about this or he stops the car right now because I am coming out. He stops talking and keep driving. He drops me off in an intersection outside Kalika.
              In only 10 minutes an nice elderly man stops and he tells me he is going to Athens. Yay!
He does not speak much English so we have more like a quiet trip. Which I am happy about it.
              The nice man drops me in a metro station outside Athens. It is Kifissia Station. I have talked with my CS host about the ways of getting to her house before, and she told me about Victoria Station, which is only 20 minutes by bus from her house. I just need to get to Victoria first and after that I will figure.
              The price for the single ticket is acceptable: 1,20€. Not that I have another choice anyway. It takes more than 30 minutes to get there thought. How people can accept to live this life?
              At Victoria Square I use the wi-fi of a cafe to get directions by walking to my hosts place and to send her a message checking if I can come now. She says yes! In 25 minutes I arrive.

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