Trip from Hungary to Greece: Day 2

18th of March, 2022.

               I wait until the guys wake up to leave the apartment. After saying goodbye to these three very nice men, I take my way out of Belgrade.
            My memory is failing me. I remember something about Brzan, but I am not sure how did I get out of Belgrade. I know that a man drove me to another gas station. And I think that the whole process it took a long time because, by the time a very nice couple take me from the second gas station, and drop me off outside Nis (where they are going), I only have a few hours of daylight.
              Because it is a gas station and I can choose to whom I will ask for a lift to Skopje (?), I decide to carry on with my hitchhiking even when it gets dark. I am inside of the shop, waiting for people to get in so I can show them my sign and ask if they are going to Skopje.
              When I ask Göran – are you going to Skopje, he answers: “How do you know?”. He looks charming and is smiling. I quickly explain everything to him before he goes to pay his petrol. He says he can drop me off in Kumunovo, the first city after the North Macedonia border. It is not Skopje per se but I am happy about it. Göran buy us ice cream!
We talk about my travels on the way. Even though he seems like a nice person, there is something about him that it is quite not right for me. But we are fine.
              At the border, he asks me to cross by foot because he is using his company car. I don’t know what that really means. Is he afraid that I have something illegal on my backpacks, which could jeopardize his image with his company? Or the cameras at the border which would show that the crossed with someone? I don’t know, but I take my backpacks, cross by walking, and after my stamp he pick me up again a few metres later.
              In Kumunovo I admit I was expecting (hoping) he would invite me to come over to his house. Be prepared for the worst but always hope for the best, right? But he didn’t. Was he still not sure about my character? Was he just scared of me or afraid of his wife’s reaction? Every time a man asks me to be quite in the car when their wives call, and / or don’t mention at all to them that they picked me up, I get very suspicious about their faithfulness.
              I am a bit doubtful about going to the churches. It is late. I try to get info about this particular church with three different people but nobody is able to help me. I decide to enter what looks like a private clinic. It is actually a dentist office.
              A very nice man dressed as a dentist, start to talk with me. After I explain everything to him, including my intentions, even though he seems not to believe at all that I could get help in a church, he try to help me a lot. He makes some phone calls and give me some cookies to eat while I wait until somebody comes. He is very kind! They are almost closing the office, so his team is cleaning around.
              After a few minutes, a priest comes by. His name is Igor and he is a friend of the dentist. They agree with me coming to his house and spend the night with his family. Maia, Igor’s wife also arrive and we are introduced. We all walk to their house. They are all very nice people.
              At their apartment, I meet their kids: three very smart and beautiful girls. We talk a bit more while I have a smoothie. They tell me we have to go to the police to full fill a kind of form about me staying with them. Even if it is only for one night? Bullocks! Bite me system!
              When we come back from the police station, they tell me I will be staying in their oldest daughter’s room. I insist I can sleep in the couch but they insist more. Their elderly daughter is a very bright and talented girl. Oh, boy, I wish and hope she keep on the right path.
              I don’t have a shower but I wash myself up. They are all very kind and friendly, always trying to make sure I am comfortable. The dentist is also happy because he has someone with whom he can practice his English. But soon enough he has to leave. It is getting late.
              After a very good night of sleep and a nice bag of food, which Maia prepared for me, they drive me to a gas station out of town. It is very early, about 7 o’clock, so I am confident I can arrive in Vourvourou today. Pfff…

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