Trip from Hungary to Greece: Day 1.

15th and 16th of March, 2022.

              I see a car going up one of the streets I tried before and I decided to follow it. Why? I don’t know. When the car enters one house, I see a teenager closing the gate. Immediately I decide to go and ask them if I could camp in their garden. Why? I don’t know.
              When I talk with the father in English, he says: “One moment”, and calls someone. The mother soon comes and I start to explain everything to her. It takes them some minutes to make the decision, long minutes when I am thinking if I should just say “thank you” and leave, because I feel like I am bothering them. But at the same time, something tells me that I am only asking to put my tent in their garden, because I don’t have other choice, other place to go, so perhaps I should try harder, and not blame them for not be like Michael and his family in Ireland (who immediately invited me to stay in their home), because the world has changed, unfortunately to worse, and it might be a difficult decision to make. Mostly because they have a son. I felt that, since the beginning, the mother had already made her decision of letting me stay but the father was a little bit reluctant. I even tell them about my blog and my Workaway page, which they could check for references, but they don’t need to check and let me stay. “Open the gate” – says Anna.
              I meet Anna, her son Aron and Aizlo.
              I choose to put my tent under the pines, even though in the garden there is a lovely and green grass, and under the pines there is, well… nothing, because they are pines. Wise decision!
              Anna asks me if I would like some tea or coffee, which I would love, but to not bother them even more, I kindly refuse.
              While I am getting changed, the super cute white cat startles me buy jumping on my tent door. He looks super funny when he freezes in the “air” (on my tent door), and I can only see his head and his eyes, when he is looking a lot like that white monkey meme, with the open hands.
              I eat my delicious pizza and ONE OF THE MOST DELICIOUS COOKIES (I think it is actually and Alfajor) I HAVE EVER HAD (attached photograph), the one the lady from the gas station gave to me. I don’t feel cold at night at all, thanks to the warm day we had.

If you are ver in Eger, try to find this Alfajor and buy it! It is delicious!

              I wake up sometime before six because by the time I get into my hosts house (Anna came out in the garden and kindly invited me for breakfast) it is 6.30. Humm… she made some delicious fried eggs and toasties. Yummy! But only me and Aron eat because she will eat at work.
              Anna leaves to work on her bicycle, even though it has just started to rain again. Yeah, again because in the morning there was a bit of rain but because I chose the perfect place to put my tent (under the pines), only the canvas got a bit wet. Anyway, I wish I had given Anna a hug.
              When Aron and Aizlo come out of the house, I mistakenly think that Aizlo is driving Aron to school and ask him if he can drop me at the gas station. It is raining quite strongly now. But Aron actually will take the bus. I try to tell him it is fine, I will walk, but at this time Aizlo is already getting back into the house and saying he can drive me there.
              The gas station is actually only a few blocks away. Yesterday it seemed as I walked so much! I say goodbye to them and start my new journey: this time to Greece!
              There is a different lady and man at the gas station. But they are also super nice! She, mostly, I have to say. Like the lady from yesterday, she seems so lovely! And she gives me two cookies! How cute? After some 20 minutes, a young and handsome man offers to drive me to another gas station, nearer to the highway. Because there is almost no cars stopping here, I believe it is great! Nope.
              Doni is nice and friendly, and we have a nice conversation for the 20 KM we drive together. But unfortunately the gas station where he drops me it is not the best place to be. Most of the people with whom I talked for the 3 hours I was waiting in there, were going to Eger, not to Budapest. But the two elderly man working at the station are super friendly and keep trying to help me, invite me to wait inside, where it is warm, and one of them even gives me a hot chocolate! Owm! Ah! And some costumers, who were also going to Eger, by me a coffee and a Hungarian chocolate! Yupi!!
              But yeah, three hours is a lot! When I have made my mind about getting a lift back to Eger, to the same gas station I was (at least from there people will not be going to Eger), a guy tells me he can bring me a bit further on the highway, before Budapest. Yay!
              He cannot speak a lot of English but understand where I am going and where should he drop me off. But unfortunately, I think on the last minute he got confused and drop me after the big exit to Szeged, the city towards South where I am “going”. I am actually trying to go to Greece.
              So here I am, in a gas station not so busy, right before Budapest, where everybody stopping here is going to Budapest. I get a bit nervous and tears come to my eyes. A lovely young lady, who is going to Budapest, really try to help me and ask if it is not better if she takes me to Budapest. How lovely! But them Tom comes along! Ah, Tom…
              Tom is originally from the U.S.A. but he is living in Budapest for almost 5 years. He also lived in Argentina before, and some other countries. He likes to travel. And he is a cook! He used to hitchhike a lot before too. Now he is helping the refugees of Ukraine, going there sometimes to drop some goods but also fundraising some money for them. Amazing!
              And he helps me so much! Oh, Loki! he is a great soul this young boy! I wish him so much happiness and love! He drives me all the way back to my exit, quite a long drive out of his way (he is going to Budapest) and drop me in this amazing spot, right at the highway to Szeged, and in a huge, super busy gas station. Thank you three thousand, Tom!
              When I enter the service station, the attendant at the register looks surprised with my backpack. I ask him if I can use the toilet for free and he say yes! As soon as I get outside, we talk a little bit about my travels and where I am going. By the door, two young men overhear us and ask me if I am going to Szeged or after. I tell them I am actually going to Serbia… no! to Greece! They say I can ride with them because they are going to Belgrade. What? Unbelievable! Yes, please! Can I come? So that is how I get a lift directly to Belgrade. Wonderful!
              Boki, Poivo and Danilo were all born in Austria but their families are from Serbia and Bosnia & Herzegovina. They live in Austria but are going to Belgrade for a football match, which will take place tomorrow. They are all very sweet and I have a good time with them. They are like three angels sent to help and protect me. When they tell me they work in a night club, because they all are very good looking, I think they are dancers. But I don’t say anything. Later they explain that they work at the bar. Laugh. They even give me a delicious vegan sandwich (they are not eating meat during the lent). We also stop for a coffee!
              After the border, Boki tells me that, if I want, I can come and stay overnight with them, in the Airbnb they rented for a few days. What? Is this serious or what?
              We arrive in Budapest and the landlord is waiting for us at the apartment, which is right at the city centre, by the way. The landlord is a lovely man and show us the place.
The guys are out now to enjoy the night. I had a shower, I arranged my tent to dry, I sewed my tights, and after eating the rest of my pizza, a delicious vegan lemon muffin and some delicious Oreo cookies, I started writing this text.

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