12th of March, 2022.

               Walking out of town it is when I see some beautiful landscape and some of those trails I told you about it. And another small lake. I wish I had walked all the way here last evening. It would have been a great place for camping.
              I don’t like much of the intersection right out of town because there is not much space for the cars to park plus they have no reason to slow down, so they are passing way too fast. So I decide to walk a bit more, to the next intersection.
              In a few minutes standing there, a local man in a rural pick-up stops. He speaks a good English and we talk about my travels. But to be honest, I am not sure if he was actually interested or just wanted to make conversation. He would make a question and when I was half way answering, he would make another question. How rude! If you don’t want to know something, just don’t ask!
              He drops me in a intersection, after some traffic lights, just at the next town or something. I am on my way to Székesfehérvár now. I will only spend a few hours there before going to Budapest because it is half way to it.
              A really nice couple stops. They have a nice SRV and they are nicely dressed too. I don’t know where I have written their names! I cannot find it! They cannot speak English but they call their son and I explain to him that I am actually going to Székesfehérvár for a few hours only, and after I am going to Budapest. That is because in my sign I have written both cities.
              The lovely couple drops me right at the centre of Székesfehérvár, even though for that they had to take an exit from the highway. It is very nice of them!
              I easily get to the tourist information centre. A lovely lady gives me a free map and explain about the historical centre to me. When I ask her if I can drop off my backpack for a few hours, she doesn’t only say “yes, sure”, but also insists that I keep it inside a safer! And she gives me the key. How lovely!
              Székesfehérvár it is very cute but not so big. My tour around takes less than 2 hours, when I am back to grab my backpack. What can I say? There are some nice buildings, some beautiful churches (but the cathedral is closed for restoration), and I even pass by a guided group of tourists. But the walk is short, that’s all.

              The drive to Budapest it takes less than one hour from here. Soon enough, another lovely couple stops for me. Miklos and Stoika are going to Budapest and they are very relaxed people. They offer me to have lunch with them, at a mall, just before we actually enter Budapest. I totally accept! I have some rice and vegetables and Milkos buys me a traditional Hungarian desert: a sweet rice with red berries jam. I keep for later.
              They both are very surprised about my travels and Milkos it seems particularly interested on it, because he also had travelled a lot before, but mostly, because of my way of trying to live with almost nothing. Strangely enough, to this day, they have never contacted me.
              They drop me at the centre, in Astoria, coincidentally it is very near to my CS host as I would figure out later.
              I get to a Burger King to use their wi-fi and wait for my CS address. Oh, boy! what a night it was waiting for me…

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