3rd to 11th of March, 2022.

               The trip to Hungary it is OK. And I have one of the best sandwiches of my life: A Subway meatless chicken teriyaki. The whole trip takes about 11 hours. Unfortunately when we are crossing Austria it is already dark, so I cannot see the views of this beautiful country one more time.
              I am a bit surprise to see that I am not staying in a room, but in a improvised living room, and sleeping in an old sofa-bed. There is a storage room just beside and it is only separated by a curtain. I have my own bathroom though. And there is no central heating on my “room”, only a small electric one. In the rest of the house the central heating is working well.
              Robert and Lilo are good people, it is just that they see the world in a different way. They live in a different way. Lilo is a very sweet lady and she try really hard to make everything be nice. Robert is more like a tough man, verging on rudeness. But I think it is just how he is. I feel sorry for Lilo, though.
                  Bakonyszentivan it is a tiny village in the western side of Hungary, which is, for my entire surprise, full of German people, just like my hosts. There are some Hungarians too, of course, but I never imagined that so many Germans would flee their country to come to Hungary. Lilo and Robert’s reason is kind of related to the fact the Hungary, in a very opposite way of Germany, it is a more relaxed country to live.
              There is not much work to do. And of course I feel a bit bad about that. Even though it seems that it does not bother Lilo and Robert. I mostly help with little tasks, and only one day and a half I have some actual hard work, moving some rocks and bricks on the wheelbarrow from one place to another. But even that time, I do it for only a few hours.
              But me and Lilo cook a lot together! And I eat so many different and delicious dishes! Breakfast is always a feast! Even with some amazing home-made cheese, German style, which Lilo prepared. And she bakes some nice cakes! I even make my cannelloni recipe.
              We also play some triple domino and some card games. Lilo is very sweet and I always have fun with her!

Bakonyszentivan main street and church

              Our peace is a bit disturbed by the arrival of a new volunteer. He is almost the same age as Robert and Lilo, and he has some things in common with Robert. So Robert thought that it would might be a good company. Well, not really. The guy is a prat! I understand it is his first Workaway but come on! don’t you have any manners? He does not help at all with dishes and cleaning until I have to tell him! And he complain about everything. Plus, as Lilo put it very well, he wants to be the boss of the house. What bothered me the most about him is how sexist he is! When we were working together at the other house, moving the stones, he started to give me orders, took the shovel out of my hands many times, took the wheelbarrow out of my hands, as I was incapable, as a woman, to carry it; and simply told me to go do another task (to separate burnt clay bricks of raw ones) only because it was a lighter job. Luckily, when I told all of this to Lilo and Robert later, they both agreed with me. I was leaving in a few days, so I try to forget about this guy. And Robert asked him to find another place sooner then they had agreed before.
              They have two very sweet dogs: Mazi and Anton. They are incredibly cute! Mazi looks like a huge teddy bear, and Anton has such a huge personality and so much expression in his face. I love the way that Anton sits and the way that Mazi lays on the floor. I take them for a long walk everyday.
              Lilo drives me to a intersection, not far from the house, on the day I leave.

Bakonyszentivan tourist attraction =)
Random (but cute) chapel laying around Bakonyszentivan

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