1st of March, 2022.

              After having my breakfast, I execute my new plan: there is a huge park, just between Darmstadt and Ober-Ramstadt (the area where my future hosts are actually staying), with different options of hiking and things to see. So I have decided I will try to drop my backpack off in a restaurant by the park (if they refuse I will just try to hide in the woods), then I will spend a few hours exploring the park, and in the middle afternoon I will try to get shelter in a church, in a small neighborhood between the park and Ober-Ramstadt.
              The park is huge! But the problem is the almost total absence of maps. I only found one, and in the middle of the park, by the probably most famous attraction: Ludwigsturm (the tower you can see as featured image). And it was not even a good map. For a park of this size, and so interesting too (OK, OK, there is a lot of empty space, which is great so you can have long walks without being disturbed and simply listening to the song of the birds), I am very surprised about the absence of directions. Actually, this whole area itself does not even has a name. Am still in Germany?
              Anyway, at the beginning, my sense of direction it works pretty well and I manage to see some of the “attractions”. But later on I just couldn’t get to other spots, so I just walked and walked. It is beautiful though. At least for me. I haven’t hiked like that, just for the pleasure of be in between the trees, for a long time. It is a great and peaceful feeling. After having my sandwich sitting in a tree log, I decide to try only a bit more to get into another nice spot. Nope! So I go back towards town, to catch my backpack.

Floating house at the Park

              I think that, walking through the woods with the Hulk, it is harder than when I am in town. Does that make any sense? Does anybody has another theory or explanation for why do I feel like this? Anyway, after about 40 minutes walking, I arrive in the district of Traisa.
              When I reach my pocket to take the paper with my directions to the church, it is gone. I knew it! I thought I heard something back in there, and I had the feeling I have lost it! But did I check it? No! Luckily for me, the church is only a few minutes away, and I am sure I can spot the tower at some point. And I do!
             Trying to find someone from the church to talk to, I go the where I see some movement: the kinder garden. The lady who helps me out speaks Portuguese! She has a accent from Portugal though, but I don’t have the chance to ask her where is she from.
              I try to find the pastor at the church’s office but there is no answer. Back to the kinder garden, an elderly lady walks with me to his house, just in the back of the church. It is when I meet Pastor Markus.
              As soon as I explain everything to him, he tells me I can stay. Pastor Markus brings me to the building where I can spend the night and show me all the facilities. He also gives me the wi-fi password, so I can contact my hosts (again) and give to them the right address this time.
              Because the wi-fi isn’t working, I walk to his house again. It is when I meet his lovely wife, Ruth. She is so beautiful! But first I meet another lady, who is working in a office. When I tell her about my wi-fi problem, she says something that makes me laugh, something like that now she finally has someone who can verify what she has been saying for a long time. Anyway, they both work together and help me out so I can have access to the wi-fi.
              Later on, Ruth comes over and bring me some food. So kind! We chat for a little while. She seems to me like a very strong and organized woman, who is always doing many things at the same time. I have sent an email to Pastor Markus earlier, with the link for my blog and Ruth has seen it too so we talk also about my travels. She reminds me so much of Phayga!

Bird… houses…?

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