Clock Tower of Old Church

9th of February, 2022.

               The way to my camping spot it is a bit scary for the secluded situation. But because it is well illuminated and there is quite a few people biking and some walking, I decide to take it anyway. Probably the fact that it is the Netherlands also helps. Nothing happen and I arrive safely.
              The camping spot though is more busy than I thought. Lots of people jogging, walking and cycling. I manage to enter the park without be seen. It is a very cool place as I would figure in the morning. But I need to be careful because there is small streams everywhere.
              I carefully choose a place and put up my tent. The weather is not so cold so I have a pleasant night. Also it does not rain. Apart for some 10 seconds drops, only 10 minutes before I undo my camp, simply to get my cover a bit wet. Why? Why?
              I am doubtful about staying in the gas station or in the road (the cars don’t have a good place to park in front of it plus the weather it seems rainy). But the first few people I talked to in the gas station are so friendly, that I decide to stay in. In about 5 minutes a guy in a van tells me he is not going to Delft but he can drop me there. Great!
              Grob is doing some deliveries now but he is actually into sports. It is what he studied for but Covid happened so he couldn’t get the job in his area. Like so many other people, he says he couldn’t live without a phone. He drops me in the central train station.
              I grab a free map and decide I will buy some food for breakfast because since last night I am starving. I buy a yogurt, a bun and a pear. After eating I walk towards the VVV Delft, the tourist info centre. I thought they would open only at 11 a.m. But it happens they are already open at 10 a.m.!
              I talk with Nel, a lovely lady who let me drop my backpack there while I explore the town. She is very kind and understanding, even when I almost knock it off one of the standards with my backpack.
              Delft is a very cute small town. There are some wonderful old buildings all over the place, and of course water also rolling all over: the canals. It is of course a very touristic town, full of shops, coffee shops and restaurants and tourist traps. I simply don’t understand why do human beings need so many things!? Why do they produce so much shit? Why do they need hundreds of different options of clothes shops, shoes shops, jewelry shops, crap stuff shops, food and coffee shops? For me it is disturbing!

Stadhuis Delft
Voldersgracht Street

              Anyway, even though Delft try to keep you hooked by the nice walking around, enjoying the old buildings, and nice alleys and stuff, it is also true that, as any other small town in the Netherlands, they transformed the churches in museums so they can have “an excuse” for charging a entrance fee. Absurd! I would never think that such a developed European country like the Netherlands would have to use this strategy to make more money. Well, maybe that’s why they are so rich.
             There are some churches, even nice ones, which are not a museum. But then they are closed, of course. Open on Sundays! Laugh.
           I would be very happy to camp again. If it wasn’t for the crap rainy weather which is predicted. I have planned to go to a bakery and ask for their left overs. For now, I sent emails to people and pastors of two different churches. I am waiting for their answers.

Troompstraat view of Nieuwe Church

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