7th of January, 2022.

               Now I am a bit scared of hitchhiking in gas stations. I am trying to go to Budapest. But actually I get a lift quite soon. A father and his son are a bit suspicious at the beginning and even ask to see my passport. But when they realize I am not a refugee, everything changes. They are very kind and also surprised about my travels.
              The place where they are going is near to the ring to Vác, which leads me to Slovakia. But they are also kind to drive me to a gas station.
              A guy drives me outside of Vác. From there, I am hoping I will get a straight lift in direction o Zvolen. Nope!
              First, two lovely guys, Zilo and Tomás, drive me little further, and drive me to a intersection. They are so cute that I don’t mind it is a short distance. Then a elderly man, not as pleasant as the guys, drive me also only a bit further. A lovely lady picks me up and drops me right at the division of roads 2 and 22, north of Retsag. A bit crazy guy drives me only to the next village. And then finally Zuzana and Milos pick me up and drive me to Slovakia. Uhul!
              Zuzana is a teacher too and we chat all the way. They both a very cool people. Both from Slovakia and they are going in the same direction as I, so they can drop me in Bzovík. We call my hosts and let them know I am coming.
              While waiting in this super old and cool train station, Milos start to play the guitar. And he is playing Villa Lobos! After waiting for a while we call my hosts again and they explain they will be about 30 minutes late. Zuzana say they will drive me there because for them it is not a problem. She talks with my host to check what car do they have, in case we pass by them. And it happens! In less than 10 minutes that we are driving, the cars pass by each other and we recognize them. It is quite funny!
              After giving a good bye hug in my new friends, I get in the car with my other new friends, Ria and David.

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