13th to 17th of September, 2018.

              When I arrive at Wendy’s house, neither she or Tom are there. Phiona helps me and I go to talk with Louise. She is busy baking some really good smelling muffins for a party.
              When Wendy come back we talk for a while and then go for a walk with Pandy and Roxie. We keep talking about a lot of things and she tells me that Tom is in Bullawayo, in a conference or something (because as a engineer, he is involved in a project) with the President. For dinner we have an amazing chicken and vegetables curry which Wendy prepared.
              Next morning, after a delicious breakfast with fruits and a great homemade granola prepared by Phiona and an amazing omelette by Wendy, we go to visit Louise in her stand at a local market. The place is beautiful, surrounded by an amazing garden and plants and fonts. All the products sold there should be organic and there is a lot of nice things. Even a Vegan stand. Unfortunately, I noticed two things: Ninety percent of the people in there are white and definitely everyone who goes in there is privileged.
              Back at home, I start to help Wendy sticking some labels in small medicine packages while she is helping Louise, icing some of her biscuits very nicely. In one of the heart shaped ones, instead of writing the name of the owner of the party, she writes Lei. Lovely.
              In the afternoon she takes me to a mountain. We bring the babies and some lunch. It is a nice place, quite climbing, but really beautiful once in the top. The moss give to the rocks a yellow / orange color and the shapes of some rocks are quite interesting. Apart of the pleasant afternoon, we could not take any pictures because I forgot the SD card for my camera and Wendy’s phone was dead.
              Lousie and Dean had already invite me for dinner at a restaurant where, according to them, there was this amazing chicken with a really nice garlic sauce. I accepted but Wendy decided to stay and wait for Tom’s arrival. The place is nice, luckily not that fancy, but at the end I think the bill was not very cheap. The food is really delicious and apart of the wine they brought from the house, I even had a local beer. It is a pleasant night!
              Tom arrive safely and after a few talk I go to sleep.
              Next day everybody would be out apart of me and Dean. So we make a plan last night, during the dinner, that we would spend the afternoon together, having some beer and tasting the new Doritos flavor: Sizzlin’ tomato.
              At the beginning everything is fine, we are having a normal conversation, we are listening some good old songs and I am keeping my work with the labels. I did not even care too much with the first comment he did after we realized that we have some things in common. It was something about, if we believed in another lives, people would say that we were probably soul mates in another life. I just make the only proper comment I could think, that we probably would have been good friends. After that, he says so many things which implied that he is interested on something with me, that completely spoiled the afternoon. It is extremely inappropriate and the only reason I don’t mention anything to Wendy is because I don’t want to create / be in the centre of a family crises.
              I decide go to the church with Tom and Wendy Sunday morning. Wendy’s mother come with us too. It is a simple pray and I though it was OK. We have some breakfast there after, a kind of fraternization, and I meet lots of people. Including a lady who definitely has a crush on Tom (even with her husband just in front of her) and a guy who has two hundred crocodiles in his farm.
              For my travels, I buy homemade peanut butter from Phiona, some bread and Wendy gives me some carrots from her garden since I could not find on the supermarket.
              Monday morning, Wendy leaves very early and I could not say a proper goodbye. Tom would drop me in the road to Bullawayo, where I could hitchhike but he insists on giving me the money to take buses to there and from there to Victoria Falls. I accept. Tom is not a very talkative man but when we are saying good bye, he gives me a hug, a simple hug but that make me feel like his daughter.

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