5th of November, 2021.

              At night I have some thoughts about bears. At Curchi Monastery, one of the boys mentioned that we were eating that same fish that the bears eat. Plus, I know there are bears in the forests of Romania, so… I have heard some noises during the night, it could be, maybe… But it was not. I had a pleasant night and rest. I did not even need to wear my new, super strong coat!
              I left the forest in direction of the bus stop. I had little water and decided to have my breakfast later. It is a foggy weather.
              A few cars pass by. I have my breakfast. One car passes and then comes back. The guy say to be going to Chisinau. I ask if inside or outside Chisinau. He says inside. I decide that it is better getting there early anyway, so I can manage to get out in time.
              His name is Alexandru and when I tell him I cannot pay a taxi to go out of town, he says (writes in his phone) he will put me in a taxi. I write that I really appreciate his gesture but I can do it on my own. Now I don’t know if he drove around town on purpose, just so he could drop me nearer the road to Cahul, or if it was already his plans, but that is what he does. Although, because I decide not to walk any further, I don’t know that I am just before a three ways road, and of course, only one of them is in the direction to Cahul.
              Luckily for me, in a few minutes, Nicola stops his car. He looks like a very simple, humble and good man. He tells me that is not the way (I think he meant something similar to that) and ask me to get in the car. He calls a lady and they talk quickly. We only drive a few minutes from where he picked me up when he parks under a fancy building and a lady come to our encounter. She speaks English and explain to me that Nicola is her brother, and we can come up to her home where we will figure out a way for me to get in the road to Cahul.
              Olesea is a lovely lady, who works as a French teacher now and her husband is taking care of their farm, just outside the city, where they have another house. Their apartment is awesome! I am introduced to her two sons, Ilie and Mihai, and her young daughter. I stay with them for over one hour. We drink coffee and have a nice meal. I drink some healthy tea and eat some fruits also. I use their wi-fi on my computer to get directions. I will only need to walk for about 20 minutes! Perfect! Everything ends up great! Lovely and super welcome family!
              At the road, I don’t wait more than a few minutes until Basil (or Vasil?) stops for me. And he is going to Cahul! Uhul! He is an old and gentle man, a veterinarian doctor. He drops me in Rosu, a village about 5 Km before Cahul, where my host leaves. I have a good idea of how to get to his house, but to not make more mistakes, I decide to ask in this municipal building (I can tell by the flags). A lovely lady, seeing the address I show to hear, tells me that a man, who was just about to leave, is from her family and can drive me there. OK! It is a 3 minutes driving but I am glad! I arrive at my destination around half past two in the afternoon.

P.S.: The money in Moldova is called Lei, just like me, so it’s funny to see my name stamped everywhere I go =)

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