31st of October, 2021.

              The first guys who stop for me are Vova and Wania. They show me on the map where they are going and it is half way to Odessa, which is good. At the beginning I am a little bit apprehensive about them, but they just drive me all the way to where they promise me, so everything is alright.
              On the road again, a guy stops in a nice pick up. At the beginning, he says he is going until one point. But after the asshole ask to hold my hand and I refuse, he shortened they way to where he was going. Better for me anyway.
              The next person who stops is actually a very nice guy. He speaks some English and is happy to meet me and to know about my travels. He calls a Lebanese friend, who lives in Ukraine, and we speak a little on the phone. He drives me not only to Odessa but drops me in front of the tourist office. Yay!
              I drop of my backpack and take a map of town. The weather is shitty! I have a list of the places I want to see. There are many of them. Unfortunately, the lady from the tourist office say they will close in a few hours (which is not nice because in their website it says they would close about one hour later of what she tells me) and my legs are hurting and are numb because of walking in the high heels that night when I went out with Yuliia and Milana. Because of that I don’t have enough time to visit all the places I want plus I cannot because of the pain. Even the few places I visit, I cannot enjoy that much. So sad. But if you ever go to Odessa, take a full day to go around and visit all the nice places they have there. What I wanted to visit the most was this monument in the beach called Domus Solis (House of the Sun) which it looks super cool.
              As I said, the weather is shitty, rainy and cold, so my visit is not that much enjoyable. I go back to the tourist centre disappointed because I couldn’t see almost any of the places I have planned. And I am exhausted. I grab my bags but when I leave, I have to wait for about half an hour under a shelter until the rain weakened a little bit.

Odessa Opera House (it looks better in person than by the photograph)
Pumpkin Stairs (just joking, it is actually Potemkin Stairs)
One chair, from the book Twelve Chairs, by Ilya Ilf and Yevgeni Petrov, two very famous Ukrainian writes. The play has been adapted to many different languages and countries, and a very well known adaptation for the cinemas, is a Brazilian version, called The Thirteen Chairs.

              It is dark already, so when I get to the place where I supposed to camp, I am not very lucky to manage to find a goo place. Oh, and then when I ask in this gas station, which is just under construction, if I can camp on the back of it, the lady who is inside the building does not make any effort to understand me or allow me to do it. So I keep walking, towards the road, into the darkness, hoping to be able at least to see something.
              Near to one of those huge antennas, there is a glade, so I decide to adventure myself on it. Ah, it starts to rain again which makes doing the camping much more fun! It is also a shitty spot, but it seems to me that is slightly hidden. When I am already inside of my tent, and I am trying to straightening the floor to put on my mattress, I notice that there is some broken bottles under the tent. Fantastic! During the night I heard something, or someone, passing just beside my tent. What? I am right under a tree, why would somebody pass by it? But what made me think it could be a person is because they stepped in a can. Animals don’t do that.
              Next morning, after what was a horrible night of sleeping, when I come out of my tent, I discover that just beside it there is actually an animal carcass. Great!
              Next morning, a nice old man drives me to the border. He is going to the town at it. In the radio, it is playing The Cure, Friday I’m in Love. It reminds me of D.

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