7th of August, 2018.

               Walking to the nearest church that appeared to me from Google Maps, I end up in some dark roads which I could not read the names. The truth is I am scared to get closer to read and I have no idea which kind of neighborhood is this. I see a big light and a security guide so I decide to ask for information. He does not know about that church and walk with me to the street to check if there is anybody to whom we could ask. A car is approaching and even with us waving our arms, it pass through. Suddenly it starts to come back and to my surprise a white man is driving. Asking him about the church, he also does not know but invites me to come to his home where his wife might know something about it.
              At Tom’s house I meet Wendy, his wife. Just by talking she could not remember about the church but she quickly search on her phone and find some information. It is actually a Monastery and it is nearby. Tom kindly suggests I stayed with them for the night instead of going there. Wendy agrees and for me there is also no problem at all.
              They have a beautiful house, that I would just realize the real beauty and how big it is it, next morning. Instead of putting my tent in the garden, I would spend the night in the spare room. A beautiful and nice room. Instead of cooking my vegetables and pasta, I would joy Tom and Wendy for dinner with their daughter, Louise. She lives with her husband, Dean, in a really nice and well decorated cottage in the back of the house. Louise, is a wonderful chef, she prepares a delicious dinner for us. For desert, we have a delicious peach with cream plus homemade ice cream.
              After dinner I have a good shower and go to bed because I am exhausted.
              Early morning I have breakfast with Wendy and I could then see the outside house: a beautiful and well treated garden, full of nice plants and colorful flowers plus a nice swimming pool. The whole house is beautiful, well decorated and full of photos from the family.
              It is when I meet, Phiona, the maid: a lovely lady who does not show at all the age she has.
              I finally get an answer from Marcie: she would pick me up there early in the morning. When Wendy has to leave for an appointment, I decide to call Marcie. She says she will only be able to come later on, around 10 o’clock. Wendy says there is no problem, I could wait in there but probably she would be back before Marcie arrive.
              I take the time to research everything that I need more urgently online. I also meet Phiona’s daughter, an apprentice cook, who wants to know more about my volunteer work because she is also looking for something like that. How would I know that in a few weeks, that lovely girl, who looked so smart, would make such a huge and silly mistake: She run away with her boyfriend and was given no news at all to her mother.
              Wendy come back just a few minutes before Marcie’s brother come to picked me up. I did not know we would take public transportation (I wish she had told me), so I am wearing a dress and sandals. I also have just 25 cents on me. Realizing that, Wendy saves me on more time, giving me some money, which I could not refuse.
              Saying good bye to everybody, looked like I was in there for much more than just one night. I did not wanted to leave.

P.S.: The cookie you see it was made for me by Wendy.

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