25th and 26th of August, 2018.

              Walking back, I am hoping some one would give me a lift at least to the main road. It happens. A couple from Harare is going to a resort nearby and take me.
              I tell them I am going to the World’s View but they do not know about it. Before Nyanga, there is another intersection and they are going to turn there and I believed my place was after Nyanga, keeping straight.
              I am wrong. As soon as they leave, I see a man dropping someone at the bus stop, so I thought I could at least ask for information, since he probably would go to Nyanga. It happens that Rony is going to the same place as the couple, but he is organizing a wedding at the Resort. He is so cute saying: “Get in, I will drop you there!”
              Rony is more than cute he is charming and with a beautiful accent. He might work out to much but still. He is married and have kids. His wife and him work together. Again, he is surprised by my trip and is very nice in drop me at the World’s View itself, a lot after the Resort. Thank you so much for your kindness, charming Rony!
              I am fascinated by the place! The World’s View is really amazing! Truly beautiful! Everything in that place looks nice: the gardens are so well treated, the small house / museum / shop, the toilets and the mountain. I do not know how to explain but the place is incredible! And to make even better, the nice gentleman who takes care of the place, he offer me to make my camp in there! Can you believe in that? My only doubt was where to put my tent because the whole place was so amazing! So after thinking for a while, walking around, spending some time in the different spots, I choose a place where was less windy and with a great view. Oh, I just remembered that there is even this beautiful forest! Anyway, if you go over there you definitely have to climb the mountain. It is quite difficult, I have to say. I am surprised in how steep is and at some point I thought how I would come back but everything is fine. On the top, you have two beautiful views: in one side three different lakes, in the other the same view from World’s View but amplified. Simply incredible!
              I wait until the sun completely disappear. It took a long time and now I understand why it takes so much time to actually get dark after the sun disappear on the horizon. It actually remains there for a long time, much more than we think.

View from the top of the mountain
Probably the most beautiful sunset I have ever seen =)

              I make my camp, I wash up and start to cook. Inside of the tent again but this time with precautions. Unfortunately, I am stupid enough to put too much salt and spices in the food. And also during the night I almost froze. I do not know what happened, it was not that windy where I was but was almost impossible to sleep. I even had a dream that I went to the nice keeper of the place and asked for some blanket.
              In the morning: porridge. I decide to wait for a lift in there. There is no reason for walking like crazy down the road, when I would probably get a lift from some tourist who come up here. Maybe some people from the Resort but I preferred to take my chances. Middle time I wash my socks. And I forgot them there.
              Another couple from Harare gives me a lift to the interception again. But before that, they stop at the famous Resort to take a look. Ah, that just remind me how some one can leave with so much money while so many people have nothing. And I was also thinking in those people who work in there. How they manage? Do you believe they think about the fact of those people spending so much money with luxury stuff while they have a simple life and simple salary?
              At the intersection, walking a bit further, another couple. They are going to the same place as I: The Nyangoni Mountain. After thinking for a long time, I decide take my chances and ask there if I could visit for free.
              You know, at the end it was better they said no, because it looks like would be a long climbing and I do not think I was prepared.
              The couple kept in their way and I came back to the road.
              An old man in a nice Rand Rover and a nice outfit give me a lift to Julisdale.
              In front of a gas station, I wait. And I wait. I have my sandwiches and I wait.
              When somebody finally stops, they are going just until Rusarope. I accept. They are two guys, funny and nice. They tell me a few stories about Zimbabwe and how people disappear a lot around here. They are transporting people in the back of the pick up. They are really nice and drop me out of town, where I start to hitchhike again.
              Two of those safari kind of vehicles pass by and I really though they would not stop. But they do! It is so funny the guy from the second car making a “come in” sign exactly like in the movies. But they are story for another chapter.

Hello Happy Hippo!

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