22nd of August, 2018.

               Going to Masvingo it is quite hard. First, I get stuck for over one hour in Filabusi. A few people stop, but they do not accepted to drive me for free. And some of them are not even taxi drivers. There is even this couple in a nice pick up! Unbelievable! There is also these three guys in a truck and apparently they want to help. They are just going around but half an hour after the first time they stop, I am still there so they suggest I come with them and from Filabusi town they would find me a lift. I am not quite sure about that because I always prefer keep on the road trying, and also, the fact the the driver kept repeating that people in Zimbabwe are not nice, that no one would stop, was pissing me off.
              While we are talking, a taxi stops and after I explain everything to the guy he says it is OK for him. He is not going to Masvingo though but the town, Zvishavane, is almost 100 Kilometres from Filabusi.
              Brian is a nice guy and we talk for a while. He is still taking other passengers though, of course. He drops me a little out of town so I just have to walk for a bit.
              The next lift does not take too much. I do not know for sure but it might be a politician or something. The car has flags of Zimbabwe everywhere, and the driver is all suit up. I have my sweet potatoes with some delicious beans in tomato sauce for lunch, at the back seat. In Masvingo, they drop me in town but in the road to The Great Zimbabwe Monument.
              First, a taxi driver stop. You see, I knew I could not trust on him but he said he would drive me further so I got in. After two minutes, he stops and say that there is where he would stay. Fucking jerk asshole! Walking some more, I pass by a lot of taxi drivers and buses drivers getting crazy trying to take me as a passenger. I will never understand that: why they think I am so stupid? If I wanted a taxi or a bus I would ask for it. Loki!
              At some point out of town, a pick up stops. The driver, Philip, look very friendly and the passenger quite shy. They tell me that TGZM is not far, just around two kilometres. I respectfully disagree and tell them it should be around twenty kilometres from town. The signs on the road are sucks! Saying to turn when there are actually three turns possibilities. Philip asks around and finally figured out the entrance. When he start to drive me in the road, I ask what he is doing. For what he answers that they are not in a rush (to Joburg) so he would drive me until the precise place. It is really nice of him.
              Talking about my travels and everything, Philip could not believe I am doing that. In fact, he keep repeating that I have to have some kind of military training. And he simply doesn’t believe me when I tell him I have not. What just inflated my ego. I am quite sad when he tell me that he would never allow his daughter to do something remotely similar. Even just travelling to Indonesia alone, to stay with a guy he did not know. Come on, Philip! Life is just one! We have to enjoy it!
              They drive me to the monument and then they left. Thank you so much, guys! That was awesome!
              I talk with the receptionist. He does no know about my email (Oh, yeah, I sent them an email a few days ago, explaining my travels and asking if I could visit the monument for free) and about the situation I should go and talk with the responsible for the Park in the office, which according to him is about three kilometres from there. OK, then! Sunscreen on, water on, let’s go! The walking is nice and I pass by a big number of monkeys. But it is not far at all! And I even get a lift in one of the employees pick up.
              I talk with two people before talking with the actual responsible for the place. He is so surprise with what I am doing that he almost could not believe. After writing down my request with some information, he does not only authorized my entrance to the Monument for free as also offer me to stay in their campsite. Amazing! He give me a piece of paper with the authorization with a stamp and his signature. Wow! Now I am the one who almost could not believe.

              After giving me a lift back to the Monument, he talks and explain the situation to the receptionist. I take my bags and walk to the lodges reception, where I could leave them while I am going to visit The Great Zimbabwe.
              Oh! The site is amazing! Really beautiful! And huge! I had no idea how big it is. There are basically three places to see: The Great Circle, The Hill and the Museum. I have not time to the Museum, so I spend some good time at The Great Circle, this amazing complex where you can feel how people used to leave back those years. Incredible! I plan to spend the sunset at the hill.
              For some good time I am alone. It is very peaceful. Then this big group of French people appears. We start to climb the hill at the same time. Actually, two of them go in front, father and son. When I get in the top, surprise: the father has climbed in a rock, apparently not to be climbed and the son it is just in the next one. I feel instantly that they are just looking for glory, just want to show up. I am not jealous because I would never do something stupid like that. And so disrespectful to the site. So I explore the area a little bit, nice places with nice views from the valley. And I wait until they leave.
              Alone at the hill, I am just thinking how those people could possibly built something amazing like that in the top of a hill? We get so impressed with new devices and new technology we have nowadays but come on, look at those things! Nowadays is so easy to make new discoveries, we have everything! How people cannot get more impressed by those constructions? That was cleaver, that was something extraordinary!
              I run back to the campsite after sunset. Everything is great! After make my camping, I wash some clothes and myself. I cook in peace and sit in on of the rock tables available. I wash the dishes, brush my teeth go to sleep.
              After my beloved porridge next morning, I take my way to Masvingo and from there trying to reach Mutare. I need to buy some food though.
              A nice guy who is leaving TGZM, gives me a lift to Masvingo. He also exchange my five U.S. Dollars into Zimbabwe Dollars. I buy bread and sugar and collard green. At the cashier, the guy in front of me is trying paying buy Ecocash, when there is a big sign saying “Just cash”. The guy behind me is complaining: “Corruption is everywhere and starts with everything that is wrong”.
              I get some wi-fi connection in a hotel. I have sent some CS request to Harare so I need to check.
              The plan is getting in Mutare that day, going to the Museum and explore the town next day, spend another night there and them going to Nyanga.

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