4th to 6th of October, 2021.

              It takes less than 10 minutes to Adam stop for me. He is from Olsztyn and is going all the way to Warsaw! Ow! Really?! I cannot believe I am that lucky! And he is a great guy, with a good English, we talk all the way down to Warsaw, and he drops me in front of the Central Station. And it takes us less time than I though. From there, I know how to walk to both of the Hostels I have an address. The first one I just cannot find. Well, I do find the address but it is not a Hostel but a Hotel. The receptionist is super kind and even try to talk me onto staying in one of the rooms. The price? Over 100 Euros. Hehe.
              I find the New World Hostel easily after that. The location is great! And I have an absolutely great time there. My room is perfect size and perfectly clean, plus they give you a key for it. Toilets and showers the same. The kitchen is amazing, full of clean and new utensils for cooking, a huge option of teas, great free coffee, and a filter for water. The owner and receptionist is super kind and helpful. I checked in earlier and she let me leave my backpack there so I could go around.
              Warsaw is super cute! It is smaller than I imagined and also less glamours. The Old Town looks more like a country side town than actually the capital. But the buildings are gorgeous! I like the way from the hostel to the Old Town because, in the opposite of other capitals I have been to it, you don’t have to pass thought the commercial centre and all those huge and modern shape buildings. Here, I felt that the whole way is already the Old Town, with some beautiful churches and other buildings all over the place.
              The Castle is simple but charming. And the Clock Tower is gorgeous. The fortification of the castle, which covers a big part of the Old Town, it is interesting to visit and its Barbican is super pretty. This first day I manage to see already everything I wanted from the Old Town. I go back to the Hostel, have a shower, eat something and I have a good night of sleep.

Old Town Market Square
Sigismund’s Column

              There is only one thing bothering me: how much I miss D. Sometimes is almost unbearable. I think about him all the time and I know I have never felt this way during my travels until now. I have felt in love during the travels, yes, but when I left those countries and those guys, I was pretty much OK. But now, vish, I cannot wait to see him again.
              Next day I plan to go again to the Old Town and walk all around, a bit further than the day before. I come back to the hostel after that and get directions of where I will go to camp out of town, near to my hitchhike spot. After that, I decide to visit one of the places where there are still some remaining parts of the walls of the Ghettos, built for the Second World War. It is almost hidden, maybe because it is a residential area, I don’t know, but I felt that such an important place for History it deserved a bit more of attention.
              Following the directions from HitchWiki, I grab a tram and a bus to get out of town. Again, as before in Germany, I don’t pay for them. I spend my less few Polish coins buying some Fruits & Nuts Mix and walk towards the place where I will make my camp. Unfortunately, they are building a new bridge in this part of the highway, so it is a mess everywhere. Cars are taken a detour but luckily I figure that I can simply walk through the mess. I camp in this small forest, just beside Pohulanka, Klub Tenisowy. It is nice and clean. And the night is clear so I can see pretty well.

Warsaw Castle’s Barbican

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