17th of August, 2018.

              Someone stops. Oh, my sixth sense, I knew since the beginning he was not a nice person. An old man, fifty one years old, saying that in the future, when I change my mind about having a kid, I could call him and he will help me with that. I want to laugh so hard but I could not, of course. How can someone be so idiot, and in his particularly case, not have the most tiny notion of anything, to say something like that? Or worse: do you think he actually believed in what he said? Could he? Laugh. Anyway, I try to remain calm, not laugh or show him any appreciation for his world, just kept serious and told him how the world he knows it goes a little further of his small mind.
              He drops me in Serowe because I am now trying to go to Paje, to the Khama Rhino Sanctuary.
              Some people are passing and apparently no one going to Paje. After two people telling me it might be better in another road, I stop a car just to ask for information. Coincidentally, they are going to Paje and give me a lift on the back of the pick up.
              They drop a few kilometres before the Sanctuary but the driver is trying to find me a lift. Two guys stop and they take me and another woman with her two kids.
                  I arrive at the Khama Rhino around 1 o’clock.
            Talking with the receptionists, not as nice as the ones from Goo Moremi Gorge (in the opposite of those nice people, these ones don’t seem to like me, my travels and my request), they tell me that only the manager could decide that and he is not around.
              The problem now is: where to make my camping and wait until next day to talk with this manager. The two ladies simply say I could not put the tent anywhere inside. Outside there are fences and the “security guards” would be furious if they see me (which I hard believe it would happen). No other plans or attempt to help me at all. After a few hours waiting for nothing, one of the workers offer to drive me to Paje, where I could talk to the chief, make my camping and try a lift early morning. I accept. In Paje, he talks to the chief, who allow me to stay. During the camping there are a few women around me, asking questions, of course, and getting very surprised with the answers.
              I wash a t-shirt and socks, I cook and after eating and washing the dishes (that is a great thing about camping in the quota of the villages: the tap water to was the dishes) I go to sleep.
              I want to be at the Khama Rhino around eight in the morning. And I do it! I finally talk to the manager and I am considering even spend a few days with them doing a volunteer work. According to one of the receptionist, there were some people who came to do that.
              The manager speech is very contradictory. According to him, the reason I could not do the volunteer is because I did not arrange everything before. Apparently, there is a big process of investigation to be done. His concern is about security (obvious not mine because I cannot see how I would be safer if they had my information before), since they have cases of spies before. So, wait a minute: even with the whole long process of investigation, you still got some spy? So fuck off the investigation and take me! I am right here with a lot of good will and references for other places. They just did not want me. And that it was what they should have told me. Later I even check the website and there was nothing about volunteer work. How the hell could I have contacted them then?
              The other manage is not given a shit for me. Very helpful. After four hours and nothing to eat I am already pissed off. They are not giving me any information, or showing any intention of helping me. A lot of workers are going inside of the trails all the time, so why the manager could not authorized one of them to bring me in with them? What was so difficult?
              While waiting, I realize how mean all of them are with the tourist. Making fun of them and jokes about them. Ridiculous! In front of the tourists they are be very nice and apparently polite. As soon as the tourists turn their back, they would be jerks again. It is so stupid and ignorant because if it was not for the tourist, no one of them would have food to put in their tables. No jobs, no money, no nothing. And you should see how different they treat white people from black people. It was so obvious! With the white ones they were pretty gentle and nice, using a soft and kind voice and speech. With the black ones, they would just throw the information, as they were doing a favour for the tourists and not actually doing a job which depend of those people. As they were not paying to visit the Sanctuary but asking to visit for free, as I was doing. Oh! What a shame on those people. Shame!
              There is one guide who tells me is going to fix something and invite me to come with him. He talks with the second manager, the one who was not given a shit for me, and I feel as the manager is still reluctant about, but the guide insists and there we got. Why I do not remember his name? Why I did not write down? I was sure I did but looking at now, I cannot find it. In the first few minutes, I see Impales (they are so cute and elegant, that they have to be British) and some Beasts. We come back. I am happy but I went over there for the Rhinos.

              Another long time pass and nothing. I am almost giving up, planning to leave after three, go to town to buy something to eat and to make my camp outside Serowe. But then, again, the same guide tell me to have some time because the group for a game at three o’clock would be late, so he would drive me a bit. And I finally see it! Not too far from the reception, there it is: a beautiful white rhino. It is so incredibly beautiful! Amazing! Majestic! It does not even look real! They look like a robot or something. I am fascinated! I take some good pictures and it passes just in front of us before leaving. It is so cute how a huge and strong creature like that could show fear of pieces of shit like us human beings. The lovely guide is ready to drive me a little more and maybe to show me a group of rhinos or some giraffes, but they call us from the reception: the game group is not late and has just arrived. I cannot say I am sad but of course I would love to have gone a bit further. But I say a lot of thanks to the guide and tel him how he seems be the only one who actually wanted to help me.
              At the reception, the game group it is huge! All white people and Loki knows from where. I presume they would full fill all the game cars but I do not even ask. I am starving and decide to leave. I have to say thank you for the manager even that what I really wanted to say was some other things.
              One of the receptionist is supposedly going to Paje with the guy from the bottle store and they accept to give me a lift. In the end, they have to go to Serowe itself to pick up a friend so they drop me in a Spar Supermarket over there.

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