15th of August, 2018.

              After the bus I hitchhike again. And I lose 30 Pula. It was the change from the bus.
              The next guy who stops is called Thabu Thipé. I should know that his is not serious since the first offer he did to me: to give me 200 Pula. It is always like that, when someone says it will give you a huge amount of money or a huge kind of help, they never do. When someone really want to help, they just do and do not say anything.
              Thabu drive me until Old Palapye, but there is nobody at the entrance. He call the guards and we meet them middle way to Malaka. The first guide, Onkemetse, explain to me that from the gate to the first sight, would be about 6.5 Km and there are a few more sights to see. I had no idea of that. Thabu’s suggestion is: I should stay at the gate, waiting for somebody to come to visit and I could ask for a lift, otherwise, he would going just to drop some animal food to some animals nearby and in less than one hour he would be back and drive me around the place. He even mentioned that he would drop me at Moremi Gorge to see the waterfalls after that. I wait. And I wait and I wait. Near the time to close the place, 4.30 p.m., after talking a lot with the Onkemetse and the other guide, Kealeboga, and ask them to make my camp around and go walking to visit the sight very early next morning, they offer to drive me inside at least to visit the old church. As I said before, when someone wants to help… They are very nice and explain a lot about the site to me. The place is amazing! You definitely should go and visit! Thank you so much guys!

Onkemetse, Lei and Kealeboga.

              I decided to make my camping just before the village instead of going there and talking to the chief. I don’t know why. Unfortunately, I am stupid enough at the beginning in not looking for a better pass through the thorns and get some big scratches. On me and on my tent’s cover.
              Just when I start to make my camping, I see Thabu’s car passing on the road. He could not see me, of course. For some reason he comes back again, going in direction of town. I do not know if he found Onkemetse and Kealeboga when he got in there or what, and I have no idea what was his intention. Maybe he had a good reason for not coming back. Maybe he couldn’t. Before he passes again, I notice he stop and talk with someone on the road for a few minutes. I guess I will never know.
              I cook some pasta and go to sleep. I definitely heard something out of the tent at night but who knows what was it. Next morning: Moremi.

Truly Wild Camping

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