26th of July to 7th of August, 2018.

               I knew we would not go along well since the beginning. I do not have a good feeling about P. First, he keep repeating that he cannot hosting me, that I misunderstood him and he had just offered to go around. Such a lie! He was drunk when he sent me the messages so he had misunderstood everything. So he is pretending to be a good Samaritan while repeating that he cannot leave someone without shelter. When you actually want to help someone, you do not keep telling that at the person’s face.
              He buy some KFC for dinner. Then at his house, in a very nice building with a nice view, he says that I actually cannot not sleep in his place, I would have to make camping on the beach. What? Yeah! He keeps saying how safe that area is and like how a lot of people used to do that. Bullshit! You go and cam in there then! It is Durban, dude! But what can I do? I say I will camp on the beach.
              When I am taking my stuff (because according to him I could leave my important stuff there and just bring what I needed), he talks with his roommate, and I really believe that it is his roommate who tell P. I should stay. So I stay.
              Next morning, I think I can go to the Yacht Club, leave my backpacks in his place, meet with my next CS and then come back to his place. No way. He does not want to help at all. He says he would not be around, or some shit like that, but I just could not believe in him. So I take all my stuff and leave.
              I have exchanged some messages with Doyle and he agreed in pick me up from the Yacht Club. In completely opposite of P., with Doyle it is nice since the first moment. He is wearing a Brazilian t-shirt and we start to make fun of each other since the beginning.
              He leaves quite far from town but I suppose I would not need to go to town every time so I am fine. And Stuart’s boat is still in there. Now, I just need to know which day they would be leaving.
              Doyle is staying in a big house, sharing the place with a few other people. Plus the place is also an office during the day.
              I would sleep in the floor in a simple but nice mattress so it was fine. We are cooking everyday and almost every meal. For him it is such a different thing because he always used to eat out. He also tells me that I am the best CS experience he has had because for him we are acting like real friends, doing a lot of things together, and he hadn’t done something like with his other CSs.
              His roommates are also nice: Chris, the father of three kids, leaving with the mother of the last born. He is definitely one of the best fathers I ever saw. There are also two brothers from Nigeria. They are very nice guys and I am happy to know some Nigerians and be able to prove it wrong that ridiculous stereotype I have heard about them once.
              I introduce Friends to Doyle and he loves it! We watch movies almost every night. We are making shopping together (he is nice in buying the food and I would cook) and one day I could finally go to the beach and visit the lighthouse of Durban.
                Middle time, something really upset me. After two messages with Stuart, with nothing more than one “we can talk tomorrow”, he simply stops answering me. Even when I tell him that if I cannot come anymore, it is OK, I just need to know so I can make my plans: nothing. After over one week waiting I decide to go to Botswana. I send messages to the three possible places to do volunteer work over there and take my way.
              Doyle drop me in the same toll where Clinton did the last time I was hitchhiking to Joburg. And that it is when a new adventure starts.

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