Friday, 13th of August, 2021.

              It takes quite a while for someone to pick me up. I don’t know why. Small town, maybe? The guy who finally does, Luis, is going half way but he actually has to drive over 10 Km further of his destination to drop me out, because there is no good spot for him to stop and for me to hitchhike. He does not speak English but he is nice.
              The gas station where he drops me it is kind of nowhere but slightly busy. The sun it is so strong and it is so hot that I could not possibly start to hitchhike. So I manage to find a shadow in the back, have my lunch and take a nap. When there is finally a shade in the exit of the gas station (like a miracle!), I start to hitchhike and soon enough this awesome guy tells me he is going to a town after mine and can drop me off. Alex is so cool and charming and we have such a great time! Unfortunately such a short time too. He drops me in town and says that he feels like we could keep talking for hours. Owmmm!
              In Burghausen I am a little worried at the beginning because for what I can remember, from the Google Maps, the town it is slightly far from the castle. But I do have a lot of time so I sit in a bench and take my time. I think about buying some cherry tomatoes and cheese but I cannot find a supermarket so I decide I will only finish my bread with the delicious bio spread Myriam gave to me, have a peach and if I am still hungry, I can eat one yogurt with muesli. After about half an hour, I walk into this bicycle shop and ask the guy how far is the castle. He says it is only 1 Km. Yay! So I ask for some water in the next restaurant and take my way. It is really close and soon enough I am there. There is a church (which looks like an abandoned one judging by the state of the garden) right before the castle area starts, so I hid my backpack in the bushes beside the church and carry on.

              Burghausen Castle is amazing! According to the info it is the longest castle in Europe. The property it is divided in many buildings, which some are inhabited by people, or are art galleries, small shops, and one it is the castle coffee. Much cooler than many other castle coffees because it used to be the bakery of the castle plus it is a really cool building. You can walk all the way through this castle area. It is super cool! The castle is located in the top of a hill so in both sides there small gates which lead to a view point of either the river (left) or the lake (right); there are also some awesome “secret” gardens; and a path which takes you down to a cool church. Through the road of the castle, there are several kind of gates but are actually a mix of a super cool buildings separated by the rest of the castle by the bailey so to cross you use the drawbridge (usually made of wood) which is also the gate they would close (by lifting the chains) in case of an attack. The lasts buildings of the castle are even more incredible! I just love it! It looks so real and so old! The last one it is where the royal family use to sleep and there is also a chapel. I do not ask to visit inside because it is after 17h30, when the last admission is taken. But even just walking all along it totally worth it. Burghausen is now one of my favorite castle for sure! Plus, the toilets are for free! And they are descent and clean.
              I have a lot to think about where would I make my camping. At the church backyard? It is just beside the castle so I would not have to walk today or tomorrow because there is where my host will pick me up tomorrow morning, at 10 a.m. But I get worried about police coming during the night because it is so close to the castle. So even if nobody comes, I will have to get up and leave super early. Plus young people are having this kind of open air thing, with a DJ and drinks until late. The other thing is: My plan it is to cross the bridge to the opposite side of the castle for a good photograph of it at night. On that side of the river, there is a possible place for camping, where I would be more relax to not be disturbed and to stay until later next morning. But it is up hill so I would have to carry The Hulk up and down today and tomorrow on my way back to the castle. After a lot of consideration, I decide for the second place. Photographs are great; I have my dinner with a great view of the castle; and then I take my way to the camping spot follow the directions I got from Google Maps.

              Shit happens, of course! The road up hill it is not a road but actually the beginning of the highway and to make it worse, the place where I though I could cross through to get to the good camping spot is actually a hill! And it is not even a trail where I can eventually make my camping because is late night. Nope! It is a small road to a private property! I decide to knock at the place and ask the people if I can camp near to their log storage, a perfect place for me and far from their house, but their is nobody home! Damn it! I decide to walk back to town and figure something on the way. And I do! At first I think about putting my tent at this view point for the castle. But then when I look down, there is a kind of garage entrance, leading to a storage place, under the view spot. It is more hidden then the view point and, in my head, the chance of someone coming in here are smaller.
              As soon as I wake up in the morning, before 6 o’clock, starts to rain. I could hear the thunders while I was still sleeping, but I did not figure what was about to happen. Anyway, it worked for the better otherwise I would probably had gotten pretty wet outside. It is a strong but quick summer rain. I pack my stuff and leave soon enough. I get back at the castle before 7 o’clock. I decide to go for a second tour, not only because I really loved the castle, but also because some spots have a better light in the morning than they had last evening. Of course I hid my back again, this time in the Parking lot, so I could walk easily. When I come back I have my breakfast, wash my face and brush my teeth at the public bathroom and wait for my host.

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