4th of July, 2018.

              I have also lost my texts about leaving Maputo and Mozambique. I will report to you now an amazing thing which happened to me though, just before I leave the country.
              Even though it happened three years ago, I still have the contact of the man responsible for that, Angelo Benesse. He stops for me at some point and offers to drive me to the border, which is already great! So we start to talk and he asks me if I have visited the last beach before the border, according to him a wonderful place called Ponta do Ouro. I answer that unfortunately I haven’t, so he decides to drive me there first.
              It is indeed a beautiful beach, with a lovely and small campsite just by the beach. I love it! We both put our feet in the water and walk a little bit, admiring the beauty and the peace of the place. Then Angelo suggests we have lunch in a local restaurant because he says I must try the local fish, which is prepared in the barbecue. I accept. And it is delicious! The name of the restaurant is Ponta Beach Bar, and the fish Angelo ordered for us it is something like in this photograph: https://goo.gl/maps/4NJZTsVSeCE7tTWw8.
              After our delicious meal and a great time at the beach, we go to the border. Before I leave, Angelo still gives me some snacks he has in the car. So nice of him! At the border everything works fine and I enter South Africa without any problems.

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