21st of June, 2018.

               I do not. In the road which leads to Vilankulos, where my last friend drops me, I hitchhike again. Not before eating my chips for lunch.
              It does not take too long until someone picks me up. A nice old man who even lend me his phone so I could call Pido.
              Pido pick me up in town and we go to his house. A really nice and natural style cabin, a little cold inside but lovely and beautiful. He just moved in so there is no mattress or anything on the guest bedroom. Even that he offers to put the air mattress, I say the I would just settle the first part of my tent (because of the mosquitoes) and keep using my camping mattress.
              I go out for some nice walk the other day, throw the beaches, clean turquoise water, but no one is swimming. I also do not because I am not wearing my swimming suits. I make plans of going back to house, eat something for lunch and after that, changing and go for a splash.
              The water is to cold that I give up and just sit on the rocks staring at the sea for a while. Two girls approach me and we start to talk. At the beginning they look nice, one of them is speaking more than the other, but after a while I start to find weird their strong interest on me. They justified themselves saying that most of white people are not nice and do not talk with them. I know that it is quite true so I try to avoid suspicious thoughts. They walk with me until Pido’s house and after I drop my bag we walk the less talkative one to her house. During that time, the chatty one, review herself a very mean person, just saying bad things about everybody else, including the other girl. Nobody is good enough for her. We pass at her house and I meet her family. She changes her clothes and say she would walk me back home. I do not want to but I do not know how to refuse. At the gate, she tells me Pido has been rude for not invite her in and introduce himself. I am stupid enough (actually I just have too much dog behavior on me), to not show her authority and saying that she is being rude and she will not come inside his house. After the introductions, we talk a little bit and she leaves. Pido go somewhere and I go for a shower. I hear a noise in my bedroom and go to check. How big is my surprise when I see the girl, outside of my bedroom, staring through window she had forced to open. I am chocked! I have no idea how she even opened the window because I am sure I locked! She start to ask for forgiveness and saying that she just want to look. I do not know what to say and just ask her to leave. I quickly check on my stuff, which are in a accessible distance from the window but nothing is missing. When Pido came back I tell him what had happened and fell ashamed and guilty.
              Vilankulos is a small and tourist town, which is nice but also expensive. Apart of boat tours and the diving and snorkeling stuff, there is not too much to see in town and then is just a nice beach.

Vilankulos beach

             Me and Pido are cool at the beginning, nice talking, have some stuff in common, watch television together, some World Cup games, he drive to some nice dunes and we drink some beers. I meet his friends from work, very nice guys as well and we even go out one night, we laugh and have some beers. His sister even invite us to the inauguration of a friend’s boat. It is a nice day and my first time in open sea. We do not go too far from coast but I think it count. The view is beautiful and I enjoy. There is some great food and I eat some fish because I wanted.
              When we are coming back, one of the owners of the boat invite us to his house. It is this huge and fancy and modern house, with an amazing view of the beach. He has a wonderful wine collection and allow us to drink a few bottles. He even order some pizzas! I almost asked him if he wanted to adopt me! Laugh. After have traveled in horrible conditions most of my time in Mozambique and had slept on the roads, I am in such a fancy place, on the presence of rich people, drinking very expensive wines and eating pizza. That is one of the most beautiful things of my way of travel: variety.
              Back in Pido’s house that night, he kept saying that we have a connection that he never felt before with others CS. I am trying to tell him that it is not a big deal because he didn’t have too many people as guests and in the future he will find also other people with whom he would have a good connection. Out of nowhere, he says that the first reason why he offered to host me it was because my legs. What? Yeah. Why he said that? No idea. But I could not even let him keep talking after that stupid thing. It does not matter if that changed after we met. I do not feel comfortable in a place with someone who just decided to host me because of my legs. And the strangest thing is: I checked my pictures after that, and there is no one which showed my legs. So what a fuck?
              Anyway, next day we are not that different but something has changed of course. He actually say he feel sorry but I don’t care.
              Then something stupid happens and makes everything even worse. Next day we go to a river nearby to check his friends land. We pass through the place where I could hitchhiking to Maputo and Pido offers to drop me there next morning. I say cool. But next morning he wakes up late and asks me where he could drop me, suggesting that he would not drive me until there. It is almost nine o’clock already, I am awake since seven, it is raining and he thought could simply drop me somewhere in town? No way. I remind him of what he had said the last day and he drives me there but the feeling between us is terrible. When I leave the car, just a few words are exchanged between us and it does not look that we had some great time just a few days ago.
              A small rain starts again but I decide not to hide. After a few minutes, a German couple, Fridtjof and Mandy, who are visiting some beaches all over the country, stop and they are going to Maputo! They just do not know for sure if they would drive until there that same day. We have a good connection at the beginning. They are probably the youngest people who have ever picked me up. In the middle of the afternoon, they decide to stop in another beach and make camping somewhere. I really thought they are thinking about wild camping since the beginning so I do not bothered to tell than I have just twenty Meticais on me. But when Fridtjof starts to look for a camping site or a lounge I have to tell them. So we find the beach (in Bilene) and make our camping. I think it is so cool that they go for a quickly dive but I could not joy them. It is the first time I camp or overnight with my lift and I think it is very cool. In the morning we leave to Maputo.

Bilene beach


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