14th of July, 2021.                     

               A lady from the army stops for me. Yeah, baby! Cindy is cool. She is going to supervise an event in a nearby town. Is not very far from where I am but I am happy to get to know her. She drops me in a spot slightly out of town but I decide to walk some more. A very lovely couple from Netherlands (actually it takes me a while to understand they are saying “Holland”), Gary and his wife, are going to their camping site, where they are staying during their holidays here in France, so they decide to give me a lift. They are super cool and we have a nice talking. They drop me in a beautiful crossroads. After that, a young man, Alex, quite cute, drives me in the direction of Thouars. He does not speak English but he is very kind. After he drops me, he pass by me with his car again, and gives me, in a piece of paper, his phone number and say if I need anything, I can call him. Owm!
              It does not take long until the lovely Eglantine, Oreane and Samael stop for me. They are going to Partheney but they are so kind that they drive me to Adilly. And it is so cute how they take it as a very normal thing to do. I can remember how genuine is their kindness on telling me they will drive me to Adilly and that is it. The ladies are quite young and the son of one of them, Samael, is incredible cute. Even though he is shy. We speak a bit o English and I tell them about my travels. They are surprised but tell me they also love to travel. They drop me in front of my host’s house. Perfect!
              I ring the bell but apparently they are not home. They wrote me the name of their neighbors (very nice people according to them), to whom I can go in that case, but even though I have their names, I forgot to write the number of their house. So I sit in the pavement, comfortably leaning against my backpack, and I take a nap. I am so deeply sleep that when the nice neighbor, Anne, talks to me I am startled! It even takes me several minutes to truly wake up. She invites me to come over her house and wait for my hosts in there. Anne leaves in an old bar, which she restored and now it looks incredible! And she has an also beautiful cat!
              Soon enough my hosts arrive: Valerie, a beautiful and lovely lady is French, and Emily is from Belgium.

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