June, 2018.

               I have lost my text about Maputo! It’s been over thee years now: how could I possibly remember what happened back then? I will try my best.
              I find a CS host but they can only have me for a few days. Because I still have plans of trying to get a lift in a ship to Madagascar I will look for somebody else too. They are a lovely couple, two guys, leaving in a lovely apartment right in the centre of Maputo. The German couple who drove me here drop me nearby their apartment and I manage to find it.
              I cannot remember their names after all this time and because I cannot access my Cs account anymore (now that they became a paid website, which is, in my opinion, absolutely ridiculous!) so I cannot check their names either. But we have a good time together. They like to drink and one night they prepare me a gin & tonic. I have only one but next morning I couldn’t remember much. Laugh. I go to the port but also around the city to explore a little bit.
              I find another CS host and this time he is from Brazil! Yay! I like him a lot and we become close friends. We have a lot in common, including music taste. Brazilian music, of course! So we watch artists performances and keep making compliments to them, not understanding how they can be so freaking good!
              One day I am going to the port and I am going up this very steep stairs. I am alone. I see some red splashes on the floor and even though I think it is paint, I feel something weird about it. When I am coming back, right at the bottom of the stairs, a man tells me I should not be doing this way alone, but always trying to go up or down together with someone, because a few days ago, a tourist was murdered in there, because he reacted to a robbery. I am really surprised because I didn’t expected to get this level of violence here in Maputo.
              Please don’t let this information get to you. I had to tell you because it happened but that is the exception. I have heard from many people how they love Maputo. My three hosts for example, they love to live in here. It is a nice coastal city and very enjoyable.
              But I do not get any good result from the port so I decide carry on with my travels and try it again from South Africa.

“It is forbidden to defecate and / or to urinate. Fee of 500 Meticais (Mozambique currency)


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