14th of July to 5th of August, 2021.              

              The house of my host is an old forge. Even before coming here I though that it was a super cool thing. And the building itself it is! Pretty cool! But there is a lot of work to do. But really, like a lot a lot! This building has so much potential! Something great could be done out of it.
              I came here with the intention of doing to things: helping with the restoration of the place and with the Thesis of one of my hosts, E. And both subjects interested me a lot because I knew, beforehand, that her Thesis was about gender equality. But I actually ended up only helping them with the tiles on the roof (which was interesting, hard, but a bit dangerous, I have to say); sorting out some clothes and some things in one of the rooms; cleaning and cooking. I would keep asking for more work to do but E. refused to give to me.
              I eat a lot of cheese and drink some good wines. A great combination! I learn about Geocaching because V. and E. love to do it. But really, they are pretty much into it. We go together a few times to look for some. It is quite fun, and I like treasure hunt, but I think I would like to do something more interesting on my free time.
              Another lady come to spend a few days with us. Sally was a volunteer for my hosts a while ago and I like her, she is funny! We go for a few trips together and explore the region a little bit. Sally is also introduced to Geocaching but in the opposite of me, she starts to play right away.
              While Sally was still with us, we also visit Partheney, which is a very wonderful medieval town. You can go for a nice long walk along the river, follow the ruins of the castle but also the stone walls. I really recommend.
              After here I am heading South. And my hosts too. They are going to their house in the South, at the coast, near Toulon. So we organize everything and I am coming with them to spend a few days in their house before continuing my travels.
              We to a quick stop in Carcassone, this beautiful medieval town which they say I have to see. And it is lovely! Best thing it is for free! So definitely add to your list of things to do in France.
              Their apartment in Fabrega is really nice: small and cute. It is very near to the beach and I go to explore a little bit. Unfortunately, for different reasons, I do not swim in the sea but it is OK. Plus there is way too many people. There are nice trails to do around this area and I totally recommend you to do some of them. They are all marked.
              I decide I want to go and visit Monaco, Cannes, Chamonix, Colmar and Strasbourg. What an audacious plan! Will I be able to see it all?

Partheney Old Town
Château de Saint-Loup-sur-Thouet
Uhul! South of France, Coudouliere Beach.

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