April, 2021.

               T. and N. invite me to come with them in a trip to Harris. It s not a long drive all the way from Lewis to the butts of Harris but it is a great one. Everything, everywhere you look at it is gorgeous! The mix of landscapes and colors is amazing. Lakes and hills appearing and disappearing in every corner. You are looking at beauty all the time.
              You will pas by many cute little villages with this cute little cottages. So many of them in the middle of nowhere. But they also have some modern houses, with this modern architecture. I particularly don’t like them even though they might look nice. And you can also see, of course, the most traditional way of leaving about one hundred years ago around here: the black houses.
              We also visit this beautiful beach in Uig. We have been there for two times. It is gorgeous and it is huge. Nobody probably knows how you can get this wonderful beaches up here, in the Outer Hebrides.
              I think the best way to actually enjoy Harris and Lewis is if you take a good number of days to just travel around, camping in different places, choosing the ones which attract you more. There are many different options and I am sure you can make a good plan. But have in mind that is basically a place to relax and admire nature, the view, while doing nothing. Depending on the time of the year you come, of course you can also do some water sports, a lot of people do. But in my opinion, camping and admiring the view, it is a great way to admire and appreciate this beautiful peace of land.
              If you, like me, like to read local writes while you are visiting a country, and if you are not too demanding about novels, I recommend you to read a trilogy of books, by Peter May, called Black House, Lewis Man and Chess Man. They might not be a master piece in literature but they have a lot of information about not only Scottish culture, but mainly, Outer Hebrides culture. And it will not hurt you to read them. They have a simple writing so you can finish the three of them in no time.

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