15th of June, 2018.

               The three man are nice and even give me two thousand TZX to take a small bus until Kilambo. Should I had done that?* Maybe. Who knows. But instead, I decide to buy some lunch and water, and try to hitchhike again. I buy five sambussas, even thinking they are with meat. It is the cheapest food I can find, so I do not think twice. One big bottle of water and two oranges.
              A few metres further to the village, I start what would be a long wait. After almost two hours waiting, with almost no cars coming, apart of the small buses, and two boys who stopped and even offer to help me carrying the backpacks to the next village, I decide to keep walking.
              A pick up with some beers on the back pass and stops. I explain the situation and I think they are going to Kilambo. I get on the back where there is another boy. Unfortunately, they stop just in the next village (the story of my life), where the driver arrange me a motorbike. I ask him, before I get in, if he had explained to the guy that I have no money and he says there is no problem. After tiding my backpack at the motorbike, putting the helmets on and leave for a kilometre or two, the man asks about the money (luckily) and when I tell him I don’t have any, we stop, and he comes back. I tell him I am sorry, that it is not my fault. He does not look mad with me.
              Starting to walk again, the sun is frying my brain. I stop to take some rest, quite a few times and nothing of Kilambo for a long time. A few motorbikes pass by, until one of them, with a young man, offer to drive me to the immigration for free. Very nice of him! I could not even say thanks properly because once I get inside he left. After the immigration, there is a few more kilometres until the river.
              I get in there when it is almost dark. Talking with the locals, they tell me about the prices to cross the river to Mozambique: private boats are two types, of ten and five thousand TZX. And the other option it is the ferry, from the government, which cost only five hundred. According to one man, I could take this one for free but just next morning. He offer me to stay in his house for the night but I am not quite sure about. Another man, after listening my story, gives me five oranges.
              A third man approach and we start to talk. After talking, he says there is one last boat leaving that day, a private one, which is almost empty, so I could take it without need to pay. I am so happy for at least be able to be in Mozambique that day. After lots of thanks, I go to the boat where I talk with the first Mozambican of my travel, while we wait for the departure.
              The crossing does not take more then fifteen minutes. I cannot understand how can be so expensive. Unfortunately I do not see any hippos as everybody was saying would be easy.
              Leaving Tanzania, finally, gives me a good feeling of freedom.
              In the other side of the river, the first obstacle of Mozambique: walking from there to the immigration. Somebody tells me it is only two kilometres. They are so wrong…

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