8th to 15th of January, 2021.

               And I am about to spend my third quarantine in Aberfeldy. This time only one week. It should be 10 days but the new owner has guests coming in one week.
              Wow, I do not know even how to start to describe my first days with the broken wrist. I do think it took quite a while for me to get really sad about the whole situation because in these first week, I remember to be pretty positive, laughing and making fun of the obstacles of being by yourself with your dominant hand not working 100%. I think the worst part was during breakfast, trying to take the porridge out of the pot. It took me a while to realize I could eat directly from the pot.
              The days are pretty cold this time of the year and we have loads of snow. I keep myself warm by making the fire everyday and using the electrical heater only in my room and only before going to bed, for one hour or two. I try to keep myself busy. Unfortunately I have no books but I have my movies, wi-fi and even television. I manage to cook some delicious food even with only one hand! But I do remember getting very scared in the first time I went outside again. Walking again. Pfff… how silly of me!
              I have to clean the whole house (very well and everywhere) for the guests who are coming. All by myself. I do not want to be sound ungrateful or anything but I have had the first surgery in my life, after had broken the first bone on my body, my dominant hand, only six days ago! So I though it was a bit too much on me. According to the doctors, I should still be taking 1 gram of Paracetamol plus 30 milligrams of Codeine until the seventh day! Of course I stopped doing that by the third day because I don’t like taking pills but my point is: doesn’t that supposed to mean anything? Last thing is: by the end of the day, my wrist is really hurting, but really hurting, as had not happened yet since the surgery. Great! I think that it was the first time I got worried about it.

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