19th to 23rd of December, 2021.

               Great! Now that I could leave because my quarantine is over, I cannot because Scotland decided to close its borders to England! That’s fantastic! What am I going to do? CURSE YOU AQUASCUM!!
              Tina keep on being nice and asking me if I need money for food. I am OK, I answer. But when I exchanged the Dollars for Pounds, it was not as much as I hoped. I will be able to buy a bus ticket and some more food for now. But until when will I have to remain in here?
              So you know, my days remain the same, watching movies and reading books. With the only difference that now I am going for walks. But it is freaking cold!
              Near Christmas week. Tina warn me that it might be a window just before Christmas day, where the borders would be open. But should I risk? Apparently they are checking travel buses.
              So Tina come up with a plan that, in case we are checked by the police, I should tell them I am going to Edinburgh to catch a flight out of the country. I come up with the plan of modifying an old Ryanair ticket I have, so everything looks more authentic. When I send her my fake ticket, she is incredibly surprise of how good it looks. Laugh. And she also offers to make a reservation and pay for a hotel in Edinburgh, so I also don’t have extra issues. I accept only with the condition that I will pay her back later.
              I buy the but ticket and go to Leeds hoping for the best. Laugh. At some point, during the trip, I get all nervous about if the police is waiting at the bus station in Edinburgh. Now, don’t ask me how but nothing happened. Absolutely nothing! Not a sign of police or any kind of checking. I guess my start it shines more than I could think!
              The hotel is very near the bus station, it is called Cairn Hotel. I am a bit scared of walking around the this backpack. But who could possibly now that I am a foreigner? I certainly don’t look like one. At the hotel, the receptionist is a lovely lady and that helps me to calm down a bit.
              My room is amazing! Oh My Loki! Simple but extremely comfortable. There is even free food! Chips and biscuits! Plus coffee, tea an a kettle! Laugh. Now I understand why people like to be in hotels so much.
              I have a plan of getting on a bus to Perth next morning, and from there, another bus to Aberfeldy, where I am going to do my SECOND quarantine (keep counting) in a lodge owned by my hosts in the past. Complicated? I understand. But I will explain everything later. For now, all you need to know is that, the driver of both buses are so kind, helpful and patient, that I am glad to finally be in Scotland!

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