19th of April, 2018.

              The bus to Tanga it is better than I imagined. I read some bad comments online about it, so I was quite concerned but at the end it is really good. Not so good it is the lady sitting beside me. Laugh. She is that kind of people who really need to communicate with somebody else, and she has not got a good sense at all of how to share a space with someone. She keeps putting her bag in between us, but totally invading my space and then to take her stuff out from, the bag, she almost scratch her elbow in my face!
              Anyway, I am listened music most of the time and falling asleep the rest of it. I think I start to develop a way of sleeping, or at least to have some naps while travelling. I guess it is something that came with the time of travel.
              At the boarder everything it is fine and quick too. They do not even ask for the copies of passport or the Visa photos. Better for me! It is interesting to compare the distances between the immigration: Uganda – Kenya vs. Kenya – Tanzania. Here they are far away from each other, and I have to walk under the sun.
              We arrive in Tanga around 11 p.m. and it is super sunny.

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