A week before my birthday and the 14th of April, 2018.

               After me and I. kissed, nothing else happened. I mean, it was actually as it had never happened. It is true that almost every men in the world is only interested in one thing. We still had some nice moments, we laugh, plaid pool. But after one of the guests, an Israeli girl, started to flirt with him and I notice he got into, I let it go.
              The night of Brenda’s birthday the girls convinced me to come to this club. I had some drinks and also had some fun with everybody. I dance a little bit but what surprises me the most is the way which Kenyan girls dance in a club: I prefer not to describe but lets just say it is worst, in my opinion, than Brazilian funk. Maybe as bad as it. For me it is extremely sexual but when I talk with Sev about it (he is the only guy who works in the bar), he tells me for them it is normal, it is cultural. At some point, a guy who was hitting on me, but in a nice way, got into his knees, in the middle of the club, and asked me to marry him. What do you think it was my answer?
              About a week later it is my birthday.
              During the night of the 13th, I am already having such a great time with some guests who are always nice and cute, like Mustapha, Bevill and Katan. So when it is after midnight and I tell everybody it is my birthday, things get even better! They start to pay me some drinks and Jujus. And when Bevill and his friends are closing their account, he gives me a huge tip, not much in Euros, probably less than 20€, but in Kenya, with that money, I would be able to finally buy new flip-flops, new ear-phones and I could even buy a bus ticket from Mombasa to Tanga, my next destination in Tanzania.
            Mustapha invites me to come to a club with him and his friends. I decide to stay because I am really into F. tonight. We have been joking around each other the whole night. He is so attractive this half German half Kenyan tall and muscular man, with a beautiful chocolate skin and green eyes. Irresistible!
              So around 1.00 a.m. everybody is actually going to the same club Mustapha invited me to it. After Bevill insisting a lot for me to come, a accept and come with him and the boys. I had no clue F. would also be there.
              I see so many faces that I know, all from the Hostel. Many clients, Bevill and his friends keep paying me drinks. When F. arrives I ask him to dance for me, inside this giant metal cage they have in the club. And he does it! Without hesitating at all! He gets up there and perform a very sexy kind of dance. By that time, if I had any doubt, they were all gone: he had me.
              We kiss and go to his house. Nothing happen, of course, we just have some fun together. In the morning, M. (K.’s girlfriend) walks in and then apologize and leave. When I ask F. where are we, he tells me at Kim’s house. I almost freak out. I mean, I know the are half brothers but I haven’t done the math last night to realize we would actually be going to K.’s house. To make it better, 5 minutes after M., K. himself walks in, and also leave quickly after apologizing. Of course he knew I was there by that time, but maybe he needed to see with his own eyes to believe it.

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