29th of April, 2018. 

              I write a little and have a cat shower. I take a nap so when Saidi come back I am sleeping. He wakes me up to have a Rolex as lunch with tea. He is such a nice guy!
              We decide I should try to get connection in a simple restaurant in town and check if Veronica have answered me.
              I do not know why but after we meet Celestine they decide that would be better if we go to this huge and weird Hotel, where the restaurant is in the back. They knew some of the people around so at least I got connection for free and they did not need order anything.
              No answers from Veronica. I decide to send an email to Michael, from the Gotillas Doctors, so he has my contact. I send it and close the computer. Luckily, Saidi tell me to turn on again and check if the email to both of them it has actually been sent. The one to Michael had returned with a error message: the email was invalid. So he makes me call Veronica and check if she had received hers. I am reluctant but I call her. She is very nice at the phone and tell me as soon as possible she would write me back.
              We leave the place and Celestine want to go out and drink something. Saidi order a Fanta and I am surprise when Celestine also orders one since last night we agreed to have a beer together. I already had ordered mine so we share that one and the next one. He also order some fried potatoes, which are really good.
              It is already night time when we go back home. We still have some dinner with tea. They say I could go to their work next morning where I could get some connection for the day. It sounds like a good plan.
              Next morning we leave the house around eight and Saidi’s boss is waiting for us with a car outside. He is a nice Chinese man who also (as weirdly most as the Chinese and Asian people I have been met) speaks a poor English.
              At the construction site I check my email and finally I have Veronica’s answer. She is very kind in how she say they could not take me as volunteer in the Fund. She also write some words of motivation and is pretty nice indicating me a friend of her who has a guest house and could need some help. Of course I am sad and my plan of going by myself to the mountains it is growing stronger. Even then I start to check the maps of the region.
              I meet the partner of Saidi’s boss. He is a funny Chinese guy, who also speak a poor English and is totally surprised about my travels. He keep repeating I am his heroin. He even bring me some red wine in the middle of the morning! I drank it.
              At lunch time we got to town to drive two clients and take the time to have lunch.
            Talking with Saidi, we decide that after work he will drop me at the guest house to talk with Veronica’s friend. We both are not too much optimist about what I could do there to help him but since I have nothing to loose, I should go.
              The location of the place it is easily accessible but once in there, in front where should be the place, we could not see any kind of sign or warn about the place. Luckily, two girls are coming and when I ask them about the place they confirm to be exactly there where we are. At the door, Saidi asks if the boss is in there. The answer is ‘yes’ and I walk in to meet him.

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