22nd to 24th of February, 2018.

              I was buying water and two little delicious yellow breads: one for that moment and another for next morning, when I decided ask if the guys knew some family around who had a small farm. They were not understanding my point very well when another guy came in. He said to know a guy who could help, called him and we walk to the place.
              It is a Guest House plus camping side. The guy who offer to help me, who I will only call Y., looked too desperate to help me and be my friend. Until now I do not know if he paid something to his friend (who just worked at the place) or if, as he said, I was staying for free since it was only one night and I had my own tent. The problem of the food was resolved buy me having dinner with the three people who worked there.
              After making my camping, me and Y. talk a little (he had this idea of us going together to Kibuye next day) and we play some cards. Before leaving, he says he will walk me to my tent and once in there after a hug of goodbye, he approached my face and said / asked “A kiss?” No! No! No! Of course not! That is what you were expecting in exchange of a little help? Is that how you think all the people will be grateful with you? That is how you think all the not African women behave? Of course I knew he would end up doing something like that. As I said, he was too desperate to become my friend. Friend! But I also knew how to deal with it.
              The food it was good: rice, beans, and my vegetables and mushrooms, which I donate to help a bit. Unfortunately there was something wrong with the mushrooms. At least to my taste. I just do not know if they were bad or if it was something or the way they cooked. I did not get sick at all at least.
              In the morning, I have my second little delicious yellow bread and an orange. After that, Y.’s friend, who manage the place, invites me to have breakfast with him. A good tea and some bread with butter and honey. Perfect!
              Before nine, Y. is already there and we leave soon to Kibuye. The deal is: we would do hitch-hiking (but we had to take a motorbike for a while, to hit a nice place to do it) and make camping. He would look for a camping side where he could rent a tent.
              At the place, after something around ten minutes, a car stopped. A nice local was actually going to Kibuye, but just in the afternoon, because he had some business in another town before. Since it was half away we decided to take it. At the end, because of a big rain, he change his plans and drive directly to Kibuye. Lucky us! Thank you rain!
              Once in there, Y. talk with a friend who own a hotel and according to him, we could stay for free in one of the bedrooms. I did not want to argue with him, so I just say it is OK. The place it is in town. We leave our bags over there, have lunch in a cheap restaurant just beside and go for a walk around the lake.
              Kibuye it is interest but contradictory. It is a town where people usually go to visit but still is small and looks like a village. I feel kind of weird over there. The view of Lake Kivu is beautiful, of course, and all the small islands, we even found a nice place which goes a while until the middle of the lake, and chill a little bit over there, putting our feet on the water and listening some music (which just make me miss Diego even more because at least with him the music was always good, high quality in opposite of the shitty things Y. put) but the town is in somehow weird. I do not know.

Lake Kivu

              Y. buys a pineapple and we eat it in a bar. Then he buy some cards and we play for a while in this small beach where we find a abandoned old boat, which used to be somebody’s house but now it is a tourist boat.
              Back at the hotel, I have a quick cold shower and wash my clothes before we go for dinner at the same place.
              Trying to sleep it was a nightmare. I do not know what was worse: the heat, the mosquitoes, the fact I did not have a pillow because or Y being so stupid on saying that he “wanted to make me happy”. Laugh. Laugh. Laugh. Back in there I just did not laugh because I was so tired and want to sleep. So all I said was that nothing would happen and he should try to sleep.
             In the morning I explain to him how upset I was and try to teach him a little bit about women, to try make him less idiot next time. Who knows.
              He insisted to walk with me until a place where I could hitchhike. It is not a long walk and I buy three small fried cakes to have as breakfast. Luckily, he does not stay until somebody pick me up.
           Unfortunately, there were too many people (again) and a lot of they kept asking me (again) what I was doing or where I was going.
              After almost one hour, a tourist guide offer to take me somewhere near Gysene but I will have to pay 300 hundred Rwandan franc. Another guy it worth it because usually it would cost around 500, so I decide to pay.
              Now I do not know if the tourist guide was an asshole and just change what he had said (from three hundred to three thousand) or if he said wrongly or if I really heard wrong. At the end, as we said in Brazil “The cheap ended expensive” and I had to gave him my one thousand I was expecting to exchange.
              The place where he left me it end up being like shit and maybe because it was Friday or whatever. I stay for over three hours on the road. Yeah, yeah, of course a lot of people were coming all the time and asking why…
              Finally a pick up stops and they are going to Risoro Hospital, about 50 kilometres. I do not think twice and get in.

Museum of Enviroment – Kibuye


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