Things changed since Kazinga. I do not know exactly if it is because of that or because I got sick. So, yeah, I got water poison again. This time I started believing it was food poison. A stronger pain paralyzed my belly last Sunday, just after lunch. I felt miserable until night. I had to wait to take my pills for pain, other wise I would have a difficult night of sleep. The guys were not back from Kampala yet. They just came Monday morning and the first thing D. answered me, when I asked about it was: “It was fun. A lot of fun.” Pfff. OK then. It is not my business but just pissed me off.
              I was better Monday morning but still could not do anything until the fun boys getting up since they did not tell me anything. So when me and D. started to move the bricks in front of the house, to make that area cleaner and then usable, I started to fell stomach-ache again. I tried a few times but it was obvious that as soon I moved, the pain started again. So I let it go and I really though the guys would understand but then this weird thing happened. D. went to talk with K., I do not know exactly why but I heard they arguing about the volunteers, who D. defended, saying he saw a lot of accomplishment of our part. At the end, I think D. it was criticising the fact that he invested his money in the project but now actually his not get anything back. I will not go further in their financial problems but I have to say that I felt really bad about it because it happened exactly when I could not keep working, so definitely sounded as it was my fault.
              They suggested I bought some fruits and cook my own food for two days, as D. did about four weeks ago, when he also got sick. At evening, I asked him to come with me to the market. Some mangoes, avocados, tomatoes, pasta, bread and the tooth paste I needed. I cooked past that night and even shared with D.
              Next day I felt better and even did a hard work, watering: bring water for something around two hundred metres to irrigate the watermelons. The thing is: each cane can irrigate just three planted area. How much do we have? At least thirty… by line. That day I finished two lines. I ate a lot at lunch but not that much at dinner.
              Around five in the morning it happened again: the horrible pain, followed by the cold sweat. I woke up the guys but again, as back in Senegal, I regretted later. I barely explained what was going on and felt so helpless. I mean, they basically just said I needed some air and everything it would be all right. What? I was dying in pain. Suddenly, different of the last time, the diarrhea came and I felt I need urgently going to the bathroom. Once out, I could not even wait to reach the bathroom or would be done in my panties. I was already better just after a few minutes as the same as Senegal. I just should kept quiet and told the guys later. They said something about getting a doctor but since I still had some medication with me, I just started to take them and that was it.
              Next day, of course, I slept until later. It would not make any sense getting up since I could not work at all. I felt rejected and avoided buy them the whole day, what was completely ridiculous because I did not choose to get sick and almost die. I was not trying to avoid work and that was my evil plan. It happened. What else could I have done?
              I decided to take my risks and going to the town alone to buy a gallon of water. At the end it kind of work, the prices and everything. I just almost get killed because the boda-boda it was “new” on business, or had just bought that motorbike, because he had no idea of how to use.
              Back home, I did at least one more hour of watering. Do you think I got one single “Wow! Thank you, Lei, for doing all of that even one day after you almost died.” Of course not. D. do not even wait for me to going to N’hamamba.
             I am trying to keep the good mood and keep doing my best to avoid any kind of disagreement. But the truth is I am very disappointed.

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