A couple from Israel arrived here just for one night. The guys met them in town in the afternoon and while they were talking, the couple reviewed to have a big interest in our kind of project. They made camping in our garden.
              As soon they arrived, I recognized them from the bus station in Kampala. I saw them over there, actually they went through the manager room where I was waiting for an answer from the free ride. And as soon they arrived also, we have a kind of problem with the boda-bodas. T. and Y. did not talk about the price of the ride before they get in. They said they trust in what D. said about being two thousand from Kasese to here. D. it was right but the thing is you always have to make a deal with the guys before take the ride or get inside, if is a taxi a bus or whatever. Any traveler now about that. So, first the guys want to charge seven thousand each! After some talk the boda-bodas accept four thousand each. T. and Y. give them three and start to make the camping. About that time, mum is already trying to talk with the guys but I notice they are jerks so they say would not leave until they get at least more one thousand each. Y. approach and say she did not want mum to feel uncomfortable, because they are her guests now, so they decide to pay. Not before try to argue with the boda-bodas again and the assholes find themselves in the right to get angry and later K. told us that mum confirmed they were even swearing!
              My impression about the couple? I do not know. Actually is that same thing I already talked before: can you be completely into a way of life? Is that good or bad? They are in honey moon, backpacking around a few countries here in Africa. Sounds nice, right? They also have a house in the middle of a forest, back in Israel, that is most made in a ecological way, with recycle materials. But when they arrive, they refuse to go to the river with us for a shower and ask about boiled water. When D. tell them we do not do that to have a shower, Y. asks if the river is the best way to have a shower. What? For some personal reason, they would cook their own food (more pizza for us!) and not eat meat or drink milk but I do not get it if they are vegan or what. Y. do not finish her beer last night and this morning she refuse to drink her tea because it is too sweet. What? How can you be so rude with someone who are trying to be nice with you, accepting you in their house and serving you their food? She could not take it just this time? Another thing I do not get it is they buy some rice biscuits (already prepared) and ate some Chapati and potatoes. So what about the thing “We prepare our own food”?
              People are just different. I totally understand that. I actually say that all the time. I think is just difficult for me to get some one who is not nice, gentle and friendly when he / she is travelling. Or in general, all right, I admit! My whole life I have been trying to be the nicest person to everyone and the few time that I was not, I felt really bad about it. Should I expect that everyone in the world be like that? Of course not. But do I get disappointed every time I find someone like that? Of course I do. And also there are those ones who are in the middle of the way: they are nice, they are OK but they are not the greatest people. I think I live in my own Utopia.
              After breakfast, we start to plant the watermelons. T. and Y. help us until the middle of the way and them leave with D. to make the third layer of the second oven.
              In the afternoon I am the only one working. I finish my wholes for the nursery and, for the first time in my life, I have heartburn. It is horrible! Now I understand why people take those antacids all the time. It is probably not good for the health and even in pain I survived but of course I cannot imagined how it is to have that every day. There is a treatment? A natural medicine that helps?
              My bath at Nhamamba also it is not that great and for the first time I get pissed of with the fact that everyone here will stare at you if you are white. I could not finish my shower because there was a big crown of people starring at me washing my clothes and having the shower. So irritating!
              That bring me a point: would black people be treated like that in countries where the big majority is white? Probably not. But then is a matter of the people from the country, like level of education or development of the country? Two very related points, actually. I understand what all those people, from most of African countries, passed in the past, suffered in the past, because of whit people. But it is not our fault! Can you blame all the white people for slavery and wars around here? Of course not. I think would be going to the same way of cotes for black people: they are still being affected by what happened in the past, so should they have some kind of privilege.

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