21st of November to 21st of December, 2019.

               One of the fastest lifts ever, if not the fastest one. A man stop for me as soon as I put my bags on the floor. Anita had not even got inside the shopping which is across the road. This nice man is going with his son to Bilje and we have a nice conversation in the way. He is surprised for my courage on doing these travels and very happy to meet me. While we are waiting for Renata, he invites me for a coffee. His son is very cute!
              I do not even know what to say about Renata*… She is a very special person with a huge heart. I love her since the first time we met. I meet Mark, the last volunteer, also from Brazil, and we also get along pretty well.
              Unfortunately Renata is going for a trip to Hawaii just 3 days after I arrive. She will come back 2 days before I leave. Even though, we are in contact almost every day through WhatsApp because she give a work phone for the time I am in here. So we grow up in each other hearts pretty much even with the distance. For the time we were together I was often being invited to her house, we would drink a beer or wine, have some nice snacks and chats.

Jinx sz
Max sz
Toro sz One of my favorites (and the biggest dog) we had!

              The place where I am staying is this beautiful cute cabin, perfect space, nicely decorated and clean. I am making fire every day to stand the pretty damn cold. I am cooking for myself everyday as well and spending a wonderful time in my great company. I even finally manage to do the movies game I always wanted: there is a huge list of movies, all with the file titles in Croatian, so I have to open, one file per time, and before I get the English name, I would try to guess which movie is. Perfect! For the time Renata was not in here, her boyfriend Cane and her good friend Ana would take good care of me, always bringing food or whatever I need.
              Renata’s place is also a must! So spacious (but not huge) and beautifully decorated. She is super tidy and organized.
              Her baby dogs are amazing: a huge, amazing, handsome and such a baby Doberman (the first one I ever been in contact and I just fell in love for him), Jinx; a super easy going, sweet and “please love me all the time” white Labrador, Sirjia; and a funny, tiny, grumpy and lazy “cuty” Lily, the Shiatsu.
              All the other dogs would come and go so I am, obviously, falling in love for all of them as well. The work is not hard and very clear and organized. I really enjoy my time here and could stay for much longer.
              The day I leave, Cane drives me to a spot where I could hitchhike.

 * To be updated. Unfortunately…

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