Wednesday, 16th of October, 2019.

               The rain come and goes and I have no mood to stand under it today. So when it finally seems that will not rain again soon and I stand in there, a nice lady offers to drop me somewhere else. It is not too far, as she kindly and very honestly tells me, but at least is much better than here because it is where other roads are put together in the same direction of Graz. Wonderful!
              The location is also in front of a supermarket, which is also great. Oh Gosh, I am just remembering now that the first person who actually talks to me is an asshole who asks something about sex. Disgusting! I am very strict and rude with him, to which what he respond apologizing. The interest fact is that, as soon as he looked at me and I saw it, I knew, I knew he was a fucking jerk. And call me crazy but I do not think he was from Austria.
              Anyway, the next guy is actually very cute but unfortunately he is just going to the next town. Why I do not go with him though, right? So many times I accept lifts just to the next towns so why not do it when it finally worth it, right? Laugh. I accept the lift of another man, who says it will drive me to a better place, which he actually does not. Laugh. But he spoke little English so I got mistaken by him. The spot is actually not very good because it is a roundabout without a good place to stop.
              It takes some time until this guy stop in the other side of the way, not actually in the direction to Graz. But since he opened the window and call me I go over there to check. He tells me he is going first just to drop a package in the next town and then he is going to Graz. I decide that is OK.
Fation is also from Romania and he tells me how he moved from there not because it is bad there but because here it is better and you can make more money. He bought this van to make deliveries and he wants to start a bigger company, to buy more vans and to make a better life. Unfortunately, in my opinion, what most of people still think nowadays is that you can only get a better life if you are making more money. Apparently, no one realizes that to live and to be happy is a much bigger part of having a better life than just having more money. This whole thing it is very problematic. When some of them actually get some more money, they will still not be happy, and they will think that the reason is because they do not have enough money yet, so they need to reach for more (of course not because the money is not enough but because they do not actually have a true reason to be happy yet). While the others, the ones that for different reasons can not get more money, will have a miserable life where they are always just trying to have more money and not actually living with what they already got, with what they have. In any case, no one of them are going to actually have a happy life. And the number of unhappy people is increasing drastically. That is horrible.
              Fation is actually going outside Graz. He says that is probably better if he drops me in a mall, in this little town called Seiersberg, so he drops me in the way to there so he can carry on in his way. I do not actually go to the mall because there is a Burger King just in front. I first have my lunch, outside of the shop, and then from there I start to communicate with Verena. I send some emails first but since she does not respond, I decide to borrow an attendant’s phone and call her. Everybody is very kind and they really help me, even bring the phone later to me when Verena calls back after not had answered when I first called her. This Burger King it is quite empty but still some people with kids and even a pregnant woman are coming. I just cannot understand why someone would eat in a place like this instead of going to any other simple and cheap but with nice food restaurant, or simply buy ready food from the supermarkets, which can also be very healthy. How can so many people like the tasty of this nasty food? It is disgusting! It taste like plastic! Or like foot.
              While waiting for Verena’s call though, I am actually trying to find a good hitchhiking spot, from where I could either reach her town or somewhere closer and then she could pick me up. But I simply could not find. There are highways everywhere around. But then when I finally managed to talk with her, she tells me that at the mall, what I though it is the line for the cars leaving the parking lot, it is actually a street, a street which leads the cars to the highway, so she tells me I can hitchhike in there and try to go to this town called Fernitz, because she is going nearby there right now. Great! It is actually a genius move because this spot is very good to hitchhike, there is a lot of cars and space to stop.
              Just a few minutes later a pretty lady stops for me. I do not understand exactly if she is going or not to Fernitz but I do not care and get inside her car. Talking during the way I figure that she is also very cute and I try to motivate her to travel more. I called Verena from her phone and they talk about a better place to Andrea drop me. Verena actually ask her to drop me a little further and, lovely as Andrea is, she say it is no problem. When I talk with her after the call and she tells me what is going on, she also adds that she loves to drive around during the autumn, because the view is so beautiful, so there is no problem at all. I give her my contact and blog and I hope she can get some inspiration from my travels and go out to see a bit / a lot more of the world.
              I wait for Verena in front of a red boat, just positioned beside the road. In about five minutes she arrives. For me she looks quite different of the picture at Workaway. She is with a South Korean friend.

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