Friday, 11th of October, 2019.

               When Ibrahim, from Syria, stops his van and say I can come I really think he is a nice guy. Just a few second after I would realize I was quite wrong. Maybe I got too excited about getting a lift and showing / proving to the two road workers standing at the Parking Lot and staring at me, that yeah, I could do that and yeah, someone would pick me up.
            Just after a few minutes I was in his van, Ibrahim asks me something about sex. If I like, I guess. I am shocked! What? I do not feel as I am in danger though. He just seems pretty fool. He then starts to ask about kiss. Saying that he really wants to kiss me and when I say no, that it will not happen, he keeping insisting. So instead of panicking and thinking – Oh, my Loki, what I am going to do? – I just managed the situation in a different way: I am very direct to him and explain that I am saying no because I do no want to kiss an stranger, it is not what I do, and that will not change now or ever along the trip. So either he accept that, and we keep friends from the whole way, without talking about kissing again, either he stops the van and drop me somewhere that I can hitchhike again. That is just what he needed. Society and news sell this image of non Arabic women being sluts, who just kiss and fuck anyone anywhere. He is young, just 20 years old, he is probably not educated yet, he must to learn the the world is much different of what he watches in Youtube, Facebook and all that shit. He is going to Bucks, a small town very close to the border with Austria and still a bit far, out of hand I would say, of Appenzell. And he even offered to drive me out there after he spend some time at the factory, which would be open again at one o’clock. I think I would not accept that even from a nice person, even more from him. So of course I refused and I also decide not to go to Appenzell anymore. So, in the end, after all this changing of plans and stupid decisions, I did not do anything at all that I had planned. Great! Terrific! Now the next step is crossing to Austria, and the way to do that is trying to hitchhike to this first small town over there, called Fiedkirch.
              Murphy is a foot in the ass. And even more his law. I can spend hours doing nothing in the road, just ready to get in a car, and no one will stop. But as soon as I take my stuff out for a reason, take the camera to take a picture, for sure somebody will. This time I was taking a picture of the nice view plus the sign with the name of the town, when Martin stopped. Luckily I already had got my picture.
              Martin is a charming Swiss guy, tall, thin and polite, who is leaving currently in Fiedkirch, so he decide to give me a lift to there. We talk for a bit during the trip but it is not far. Unfortunately. He parks the car somewhere in town because he has an appointment, but he shows me the way to carry on in direction of Innsbruck. Before he leaves he tells me that if I have time, I should spend some hours in here because it is a nice town to visit. Unfortunately, if I want to make to Innsbruck today, I must leave now. I look at him while he is walking away… What a charming figure.
              At this point I decide that going to Innsbruck and visiting it is not a bad idea. A lot of people say it is a nice place. So in a cool small town spot, just before a tunnel which leads to the highway, there I am standing, holding a “Innsbruck” sign.


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