Wednesday, 9th of October, 2019.

              So now I am in Brienz. And, honestly, the reason I came here it is the view. The lake and the mountains, The Alps.
              After the lady at the Hotel does not let me use the wi-fi (first and last time in Switzerland), I just go down to the tourist information, a few metres from the Hotel. She shows me a map of Switzerland and I ask her a few questions about the ways. She even offer me the map but I do not know why I refuse. I had a memory about the street and places going up to the right side of the mountains, where I could have a good view and make my camping. So I say to myself and to the Hotel lady that I do not need wi-fi, I am going like that.
              I find the street, the way, and a huge and beautiful waterfall. My mistake it was not had taken a picture that day, which because of the rain, the waterfall it was very full and bright. Next morning, it was thin and a bit without life. I also find some llamas! A small farm, a tourist one, with just a few llamas: five. They do not spit on me. And of course I find the view too. But I was expecting something more, I admit. It is a beautiful view, no doubts, but I was expecting something extraordinary, really perfect, a scenery. Maybe I was also expecting more snow in the mountains, I do not know. Or the mountains being closer to me…
              The first place I thought about making camping it is very audacious. It is just under the waterfall, in front of the protection barrier they created, this huge concrete wall with a huge and ugly metal gate. The whole thing it is very ugly. The best view of the valley it is from there and it is flat. Audacious because it is also a clear spot, so probably anyone who pass down the road in that way would be able to see me. It could be risky. I do not know if it is luck for me or what, but an old man from the shack just down the hill, shows up and he does not seem very friendly at all, so I decide to look for another spot.
              Walking a bit more, a German guy passes through me and we chat a little bit. Time enough for me to tell him about my travels and he gets so impressed that wants to take a picture. Just after that I decide to make my camping in this piece of land which does not look cultivated or being used right now. It is a little bit tangential but nothing horrible. It is still early but since I am exhausted from last night, and also for another reason which I do not know, my migraine it is coming strong, so I barely eat something and go to sleep. I wake up a few times during the night, because of the pain and also to put on more clothes. But I also sleep until later next morning so I have a good rest in general.

Camping spot 🙂

              I do not want to rush in the morning since I do not have to. Finally. So I unpack my things calmly and leave to the town to have my breakfast by the lake. Not before washing some clothes (and myself too) in the wonderful public toilet just in the middle of the town. And for free! What a example, Brienz! Please, other towns, follow the example of this cute little one, Brienz!
              Nice breakfast at the sun, picture with a lovely cat, and walking back to the tourist information to grab that map. I must have the right names to write in my signs. It takes me a while to make a decision about the way: should I go for the most common one, passing through Zurich and not with a great view or take a very unpopular one, but still used because there are towns in between and people who live in there travel, with a wonderful view of the Alps? I choose the second one. Even thought I could freeze my ass if I get stuck up in the mountain there. But unfortunately a list of following mistakes would not bring me to that way and to the wonderful view. Maybe it was written. Maybe I would freeze up in there or something like that. What I know it is that I felt very stupid. Like I had never hitchhike before. I dumb hitchhiker. Let me tell you why…

Cute little Brienz

Cute little cat

Cute little church




2 Replies to “Hitchhiking in Switzerland: Brienz”

  1. Hi, good to meet you on the plane from Tirana to London🥰🥰🥰 we hope you are fine, we do appreciate your blog
    Beijos Luana, Zion & Elton 😘🇧🇷❤️🇦🇱

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