24th of September to 08th of October, 2019.

               Peter looks like a nice guy and I could feel he is responsible as a Swiss! His grayish white hair, early for his age, gives him an even more serious look. He is charming and handsome, but curiously, I do not know why, I do not feel attracted to him. I kind of see him more like a family member.
              At his house, I meet June. Since the first meeting we already get along very well. She has a nice salad with a delicious dressing prepared for me as dinner. We talk briefly about my crazy day, I get to know them a little bit, they show me my room and a bit of the house, and we decide that, since they will not be at home tomorrow, so we cannot work together in something, I should take the day off.
              The house is incredible and with an amazing view. It is the last house of the street, just before the forest. But we still have some neighbors. My bedroom is very comfortable and safe from spiders, thanks Loki! The whole house is very clean, in both hygiene and architectural ways. With nice flowers and decoration pieces. The sunlight crosses the big windows all day long, which gives energy and a beautiful set to the house.

Switzerland has beautiful trails…

              For the next few days I will stay half time by myself, half time with June and some few days with Peter. He comes in the evening and works after his job, so we work a bit together during that time. There is not too much work I can do by myself. So I basically clean the weeds from the garden; clean the house a bit; cut a bit of wood (first time using the machine, it is a bit scary); make piles of wood; make a path with grass and soil; help Peter to add the pieces of wood to the shack; help June to cook. I feel I could and should do it more. I do not know what exactly, but I wish I had been of more help.
              My time with June it was always great. She is a great cook! Her food is always and simply delicious! An especial applause to her Green Curry and Fried Rice. Definitely the best ones I will ever try. We were always laughing and talk about nice things. I am surprise with how much she knows about her stuff and garden and food. All the sauces that she can prepare and her syrups too. All to keep it for long time, just keeping refrigerate after open. With no conservatives or anything bad. Super natural. Super healthy. And her garden so full of vegetables. Beautiful tomatoes (different types), bell peppers, chiles, pumpkins (with each one she would prepare something incredible simple and delicious), herbs, potatoes, radishes, cucumbers, salads, garlic, and future berries. We also do to the town, for shopping, she would show me around too, nice places, and it is always funny buy the things with her.

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Trying local delicas… nope!

              Peter is also a good cook. His bread it is simply perfect. He even teaches me how to do it, but for different reasons, my first and second ones are not that great. And he is the king of the salad dressing. Apparently he started to make them when he was twelve years old and it was not happy with his mum simple salads. I come to volunteer mainly to help him with the mill machine. But a bit before I arrive, the machine stopped working. We try to figure together what was going one. He already had try a lot of thing too but with no success. I search as much as I could online but since it is a Chinese product, I could find nothing useful. So I also helped him to open the machine. Cleaning here and there, and doing whatever is necessary. It is fun too and we always end up laughing! Peter it is a very intelligent man, who can make a lot by himself, really different stuff. He and June, for example, renewed the house together, basically by themselves, just with the help of volunteers. Life taught them a lot.
              We had different dishes together, some of them the traditional Swiss dishes, for example the Raklette, the Foundie, June’s delicious Müsli (which I did not know it was Swiss and now I also know it is the most international Swiss word), June’s delicious carrot cake, Swiss chocolate. And I made brigadeiro for us! Oh, I missed! And they liked! I learn so much with them both! And so many different things, about different areas in life plus about Switzerland life. I stay with them for so little but I learnt so much that it seems to me that I staid longer. Plus it was an huge pleasure to live with them. I wish I could stay for three weeks or more.

Cheese Foundie
Swiss / Thai Carrot Cake

              On my last weekend, Lara, Peter’s daughter, come to stay with us. Unfortunately this time, his son Finn, could not come. Lara is just such a great girl! Intelligent and smart, so polite, so mature, responsible, and with a great English too! A very sweet girl. And talented! She was painting during her staid and I was surprised in how good she was. Plus she knows how to cook very well. We had some good conversations the two of us an all together we had a lot of fun playing some board games and Pictionary! We even worked together a bit. Unfortunately the rain took us away to the house again.
              I feel sorry that apparently I am not very clear about the date I would leave. I truly thought I was! Actually Peter got it right but June thought I would stay a few days longer. I actually had no idea she was enjoying my time with them so much. She got really said when I told her I was leaving in the next day. Me and this problem of mine in talk about awkward things with people that I like. I should have been more clear. I should have repeated more than one time which day I would live. Tell them about my travel plans and organize myself better.
              In the morning I am leaving June would drive me out of town. I have breakfast and bring some fruits. She insist for me to bring some protein bars and some rice cakes covered in yogurt. Both super delicious! I make my signs for the whole trip around Switzerland to save my markers a bit. I say goodbye to Peter when he is going to work. And I try to say everything I want. With June it is a bit more difficult. I feel really sad and nervous, plus she cries a little bit which makes me feel even worse. I realize how much I am sad for leaving and quite not prepare to go. But I have to so I try to calm her a little bit as well. What a wonderful lady she is.
              Staying in Muhlethal it was great. Out of some people I supposed to stay and did not work, I am glad that I choose to go for Peter and June. I wish I had done more with my time though. Like go for more walks in the forest, going more around and the nearby villages / towns. We had a great Sunday in one of them, Zofingan, this beautiful and cute little town. Peter it was our guide for the day since he knew so much about it. We had a lot of laughs and some great coffee with three chocolates muffin! A really great day! So apart of the things I wish had done more, including help them out more, I can say just great things about my time in there. I love it!

Little Snack in Zolingen
Peter, June and I in Zolingen.


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