15th of December, 2017.

               At the Gas Station, there is this guy waiting for us. At first impression, he looks so serious, one of those shy man. We go (I have no idea why) to a McDonald’s to eat. It is a nightmare to make the attendant understand that I want a sandwich without meat. To be honest, I think do not even Mustafah (that was his name) understood very well.
              He is a kind of policeman but responsible for administrative stuff and I would spend the night in his apartment. Before we get inside, he tells me like “I am sorry but it is a little messy because I leave alone” and I thought it is one of those “ready sentence” that everyone say about their houses. It was not. Actually he was being modest when he said “a little messy”. It was completely dirty. The kitchen and the bathroom looked like never had seen cleanliness before and the living room had stuff everywhere.
              At least the bedroom where I would stay it is not that bad but still disorganized a lot.
              So he sits in the couch and start to smoke in a big and all broken Narguile. I am sorry people, I know he was help me and everything, but he spend a long time smoking and the way he was sat, he looked like Alice in Wonderland Caterpillar. I had to hold my laugh when I realized that. And to be honest, he did not even know how to smoke. He just took small short gulps, like a regular cigarette. Even smaller than a regular cigarette. What is the completely opposite purpose of the Narguile.
              After a few minutes of a dumb conversation, he asks me if I use to drink. I say yes. So he says we should go out for some beers. Why I did not say ‘no’, that I was tired or something like that? Stupid! Anyway, it is less worse than I imagined but the guy drives 25 Kilometres to buy about 20 candy beers! And it is in a hide weird place, that looked like a trap for me or something. His excuse it is that is difficult and expensive to buy beers around there.
              Back at home, after drive another 25 Kilometres, he goes to buy something to eat: some nuts and potato chips. And he start to smoke again. This time, he keeps smoking like for the rest of the time we stay awake, about 3 hours or something.
              At some point, a friend of him join us, but he does not speak English, so they basically are talking between each other and I am searching some stuff in my computer.
              He drink some beers and I drink just two. After his friend leaves, I also make my move to going to sleep. And then it is the worse part of the night: when I say something like – good night!- the asshole has the audacity to ask me: “Oh! So you want to sleep alone?” Disgusting! He knew why I was in there, what I had passed that afternoon and really? He asked me that? Disgusting!
              Next morning I wake up pretty early to decide if I was hitchhiking to Dakhla or taking a bus. I am concerned about those trucker drives pieces of shit and how they were also going there so I choose the bus.
              Since the Caterpillar it is not awake, and it is almost time to the 10 a.m. Bus, I wake him up. He offer to drive me to the bus station. At least that!
               The bus station it is pretty new and modern. I buy the ticket and wait. Middle time, I ask for connection in a coffee shop and send a message to Oussama, a boy who offered to host me in Dakhla. I would arrive around 7 p.m.

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