13th of December, 2017.

            It is the longest wait since I started doing hitchhiking. I am in the road for almost an hour. Two or three cars stopped but they were going just to the next town: Tiznit. This morning, two good things happened to me: a woman who was walking with her husband saw me and came with a big smile and gave me a hug. She was amazing and we speak a little in English. A really kind person. And also her husband. Second thing was a French guy, from Paris, who was going also to Tiznit but since I was there for so long I decided take my chances and go with him. Even that I could not speak French, we had a good time and he offered to pay my lunch in Tiznit. I had a delicious champion omelet with French fries and salad. And was one of the cheapest dishes. After that, he drove me a little bit further to the exit of the town.
              I do not have to wait a long time but I change my strategy: I check on the map the next big town, which is not far away, and I write in my orange border: Guelmin. Another nice family guy stops. He is actually going further but since we still have the same problem with the Moroccan / Islamic culture, I think he decides leave me in Guelmin. Of course he is really kind and pay me a coffee to get me wi-fi, then he also could not let me making camping (why all the men see all the women as the weakest being in the world?), so he discovery that the Coffee Shop where we are is also a Hotel and the cheapest one around. He offer to pay the 100 Dihrans by himself but I say I would just accept half of it. Deal. The place is pretty nice for the price and with a good wi-fi (which stopped working after a while but luckily I had done the essential things first) so I could have a good night of sleep. I even have a pretty view (as you can see in the featured image).
              I wake up early next morning, eat my last yogurt and the rest of the bread with honey and wait for the sunrise to be able to leave.

A wall just outside of Guelmin


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