Saturday, 21st of September, 2019.

               Leaving my camping spot I go up this bridge because in somehow I am sure that Trento is also in direction of Verona. Pfff. I end up in a bad corner of a small town, which leads to nowhere. Nobody tells me anything but the reaction in people’s face shows me that something is wrong. So when I take a look in the map I see that I am fucked if I keep in there. So first I think about going to this next small town. I walk a bit further, write in a sign the name of the town, and wait for a few minutes. But then, the same feeling again… something is wrong. So I ask a few questions to the guy in the gas station, which he answer me promptly and perfect correctly. So I decide go back to the main road but not before eating breakfast.
              Walking back to the road I realize that it just looks scary as a highway at the beginning but just after it start the next town already. So silly of me! I should have just carry on straight in the main road. In that way, I find a small teddy dragon, light blue and yellow. Quite cute. So I decide to keep as a mascot. I named him after Mr. Downey, Jr, Robert.
              I see some signs of McDonald’s nearby so I ask for directions in one of the buildings of a university. A very instructed man but with simple looks tells me how to get in there. It is a bit further than he says but I get in there.
              While I making my researches, this girl from France walks in, also with a huge backpack. We talk briefly. With a plan, a say goodbye to the French girl and go to the Spar to get some food.
              I get ridiculously lost after that, which makes me walk more and lost some good time. Luckily, an adorable lady from a Hotel helps me to find my way back. The next few moments of my day are a completely blank. Where as was hitchhiking and all. As much for the person who stopped for me. I just remember when I arrive outside of Verona, just a few kilometres from the entrance. I ask in a fancy hotel to use the wi-fi, I make a plan for going around the city next day but camping just outside the town, so I walk to there.
              In the middle of the way, after having my dinner in a bench, I ask to use the bathroom in a small coffee shop / bar. At first impression, the old lady who is cleaning, probably also the owner, reacted with an strange face to me. But she let me use the toilet. When I am leaving the place, though, she and two other male friends, also old, start to ask me questions about my trip. To each answer I give to them, they reacted more and more surprise and congrats me all the time. I feel very good, I must say. So at the end, the lady it sounds very lovely and care about me. Maybe she was just a bit sleepy when I arrived.
              I find a quite nice place just outside of the front door of Verona. There are some residential buildings nearby but I was a bit concerned because I could not hide my tent behind a tree or between something. I am counting with the calm air of that road and with the darkness. I am sure I heard someone playing music from the phone at night but no one came to bother me.
              In the morning, before leaving to Verona, I have an important decision to make: should I leave my backpack hiding somewhere there and come back to grab it in the afternoon after visiting the city or should I bring with me and try my lucky again asking to leave somewhere?

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