12th of December, 2017.

               After two cars stop and say that they are going to Casablanca, I realize I would need someone to drop me at the exit to Agadir, a few kilometres beyond.
              The next guy who stops looks like a typical Moroccan. If that even mean something. He does not speak English, just French, but he offers to drop me on the exit.
              When we are crossing the road, a truck passes for us and he starts to shake his arms and repeat “Agadir!”. At beginning I thought would not work, but the truck stops a few metres beyond. That is definitely one of the quickest lift ever.
              The truck driver look nice. He live in a city in the South of Spain and has a Spanish DNA which he shows me proudly. We speak the whole way in Spanish.
              The Moroccan / Islamic culture punished the men and the women who are got with some foreigner at night. And also the foreigner. So I understand that even he is just trying to help me, he is also concerned about that. At the end, he decides take the risk and since he does not want let me make camping anywhere, he let me stay in the other bed of the truck. But I should keep hide. I have no problem with that, my only problem is I need to pee but I could not leave the truck because someone could see me and call the police. So when he leave for dinner, I take a half bottle I found and two plastic bags and the rest you all can imagined. The worse comes later because at the beginning I planned explain that to him and ask for him to through it that away. But when he get in, I got ashamed and did not say anything. So the result is I have to pass the whole night with the bottle beside me. Of course does not smell anything because of the two plastic bags but since I am in the top bed I am concerned that the bottle could turn and drop all my pee in the truck driver. Luckily nothing happened.
              What happened was a little uncomfortable situation at night: he ask me if I want go down and sleep with him. What?! Yeah, I know. The guy who had just showed me pictures of his family earlier, and talked about how the “devil” could tempt the men, had (apparently) fallen in temptation. He does not insist. He just ask once, I say ‘no’ and that is it. He apologized for that in the next day. But still, again, I am show how is hard to find men who do not think just in sex.
              So in the morning he drives to a coffee shop, beside a Gas Station, gives some food and money for two coffees. Luckily, the place is kind of fancy and has wi-fi. So after eat my breakfast and buy a coffee to be able to use the internet, I leave.

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