29th to 31st of November, 2017.

               My first time in Rabat it is pretty suck! I have to take a taxi (15 Dirans) to McDonald’s. There, to find a way to Decathlon and a place to pass de night and make a plan for the other day. At night, trying to get to the place to make camping, I find the place in a valley and with guards making patrol to check possible intruders. So I just put my mattress and my sleep bag under some bushes, beside the main road, between the Chadd and another place with medieval walls that until now I do not know what is it (my  view in the morning is the picture with the title of the post). This time nobody came at night.
              Next morning a little of tourism, some pictures, a little of loss (of course), and a lot of walk until hit the Decathlon. When I find the tent, I realize I am missing 9 Dirans to buy it. Talking to the girl at the payment, she says they cannot accepted Euros but she would buy 10 Euros from me so I could have more 100 Dirans. So nice of her! Tent in hands I leave the other one near to a garbage and walk away to a forest to make camping.
              Going to there, I pretend to speak with someone at the phone, to try discourage any attempt against my life. It works, I guess. I make camping, cook and slept.
              The plan for the next day is not to do anything but give some rest to my feet. Just to sew something, maybe write a little, and at evening move to make camping in another point.
              My happiness goes away around 1 o’clock when a guard came and ask me to move. He just speaks Arabic so the conversation it is pretty nothing. Still, the fucking bastard ask my phone! Laugh, laugh, laugh. Idiot! He kept looking at me with that look that just a disgusting man (and probably just a man) can give to you and I had to be strong and not through up. The idiot stayed there until I finish my pack, and even walk with me a little. Ugh!
              When I finally get ride of him, I start to look for the road which leads to Casablanca. The plan is making camping around and in the next morning hitch to there.
              It is the first night I finally have some dreams again.
              In the morning, after just a few minutes, a guy in a van stops and drive me to Casa. He drops me in a McDonald’s. I need to know where to go and what to do in there.
              For a fucking shit surprise, that McDonald’s do not has free wi-fi. So walking to the City Centre, I ask to use the wi-fi in a Coffee and take the directions. I also ask for hosts at Couchsurfing because looked impossible make wild camping in Casablanca.
              I walked until the Mosque Hassan II and in the middle of the way checked in a McDonald’s with wi-fi. The Mosque is huge and very beautiful! It is turquoise! Full of people but not distinguishable tourists. Most of them looked from Morocco. After some minutes and one picture, I came back to McDonald’s.
              Finally good news! “Abdellah accepted your request”! We talk. He want to send me a car. I decide going walk and not disturbing him even more.


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