23rd to 28th of November, 2017.

               To take the plane at Barcelona airport is easy. Why did I choose to take a flight? It would cost me less than thirty Euros and I would extremely increase my chances of getting in Algeciras to grab my Ferry at time. The travel and everything is OK. At the airport of Seville, first I get crazy because I could not find my bag, but when I am told that I am in the bag collected from Paris(ops!), I breath relived. I notice that the rain cover has been removed and to try put all the things together, people from the airport tied all of it with tape. At least everything is there. And it is kind of my fault: since I never had dispatched a bag before, I did not realized that I should tied everything very hard, I just simply put the cover as usual when I travel. Do not commit the same mistake as me, my dear first travelers.
              I am sleeping very well in a completely far away part of the airport, without lights or sounds, when a security woman came to me and gently ask me to move to the second floor. There, of course, with some other people, there are too many lights and a warn saying basically “Do not sleep!” each 20 minutes, which kind of could no let me sleep well again.
              I take the 6.20 a.m. bus to the city centre. It is pretty dark even when I hit the Plaza España, so after take a look around, go and back, I sat down and wait for the sunrise to take a picture. It is an amazing place! Definitely the most beautiful square I ever saw until now. All the details and colors together make the place a wonderful piece of art.
                After that, I basically walk around some monuments: the Cathedral is amazing from outside and part of inside, but I could not see everything because is cult time; the “Monument” to Cervantes is just a statue; the orange trees all over the place is kind of cult; and the biggest piece of art made of wood, Metropol Parasol, is kind of nothing. I really wish there were more small squares or parks for people and tourist could sit down, eat and take a rest. At the end, I finish my tour even before midday so I go to the train station. I ask to exchange my ticket from 7 p.m to 5 p.m. Of course it is a stupid mistake because if I had taken the 1.30 p.m. as the woman from Renfe suggested, I would not get late at Katka and Jeff’s house. Of course I just realize that too late.

              After eat the second part of my yakissoba, I decided look for a place outside, at the sun, to take a nap. Not too far there was a park and I could nap for over an hour.
              At the train, after I finish watching (again) the first episode of Sonic Highways, we hit Cordoba.
              Everything should be OK. The location of the house is easy and I am planning just pass by The Cathedral Mesquita before, to take a picture at night. I also have to pass in the supermarket to buy some food and a wine, since they invite me to join them in a party. But of course, I make a stupid decision in decide not going to The Cathedral and try another way, supposedly faster, to get in their house. So of course I get lost and also the house is further than I imagined. To help me more, the streets were full of people because of the fucking Black Friday.
              Anyway, when I get in there, for my luck, Katka was still getting ready. So I talk a little bit with Jeff and one of their friends. At the beginning I get excited because they are very communicative and we have a good connection.
              Katka is pretty kind and cool, which take away my wrong interpretation of her by the messages. Now thinking better, I believe that probably was Jeff who sent some messages, those ones that sound a little weird.
              We take a taxi but the address was wrong! So we have to take another one. At least this driver is funny and everybody laugh when at the end of the way I offered him the wine bottle I had in my hands as payment.
              The owner of the house is Miguel, this typical character of movies who has a nice apartment, cats, love art and movies and books, is pretty smart and kind and polite. There is also another couple, Adriana and Matty. All of them are pretty cool and easy going so I have a very pleasant night. We eat a dish that is basically potato and well melted cheese, which later I would figure being for Switzerland and be called Raclette. We leave about 2 a.m. and decide go back walking.
              My morning around Cordoba starts disappointed because The Cathedral, that supposed to be for free from 8.30 to 9.30 a.m. “supposedly” has some activities, which invalidate the free tour. And we have to hear that from a very rude guard.
              So I just start to walk around, get a little lost, of course, walk through the parks, some churches and monuments, and that is it. Cordoba is pretty small and everything turns around The Cathedral.

              Back to the apartment, we to talk about languages, travels, people… so it is when I realize that Jeff is a kind of jerk. Many times he makes stupid jokes and many times I realize that Katka gets uncomfortable with his words. And his dumb speech about how hard can be a sea travel in a small boat, could even have reasonable reasons, but to him, would be something so impossible, that makes him looks like a scary spoiled child and not a big strong brave traveler man, that he try to appear. I am sorry Jeff if you are reading this now, but at the end, this was the impression I had of you. And I do not know how someone so sweet and kind as Katka ended up with you.
              I leave later that I plan and I had to go to The Cathedral to take the picture at sunset and also pass at a Supermarket to buy some food. Nothing works very well. I do not know how but I end up running to not lost the bus. I take the fucking picture. I guess is not a good one. But I have no food.
              An episode at the bus makes me mad. I recline the seat and the guy behind me, a skinny one, complains about. I just said – Pero you puedo! The only thing that make get back the seat is because I thought he had some kind of problem on the legs. Later I realize he had not. Pfff!
              At Granada I passed in a Supermarket one minute before get closed. I buy a tortilla for my dinner and a wine for Fiorella. This time I find the house easily but it is late, almost 11 p.m. Her and the boyfriend, Dimitri, are a little sick so she just gives me a copy of the keys and go back to the bed. But she is pretty kind! Show me the house and says I could do whatever I want.
              After eat my tortilla de batata with a glass of wine, I go to sleep.
              When I get up around 7.30 a.m., a few men are just arriving from ‘the night’ and are making a lot of noise, talking very loud. Horrible!
              It is pretty easy, Granada. And I walk less than I thought. The Caves are a little disappointed as the same to the view of Alhambra from Mirador San Nicola. But I think it is just because the morning lights. Everything is too much white. There is this beautiful park (at least this time of the year) with a beautiful rock door, Puerta de las Granadas. Unfortunately I just walk a little bit on the entrance and take my way back to the city centre and the Cathedral.
              There is a long line to get inside the Cathedral, which is also pretty beautiful from outside. I buy some mandarinas and take my way back home.
              Oh! I just forgot to say that the Real Hospital it is amazing! And should be beautiful inside but unfortunately is closed at Saturdays because the entrance is free! Unlucky me.

              Talking with Fiorella and her boyfriend is nice. They are pretty humble. We speak a little in Portuguese and talk about a lot of stuff. Fiorella prepares some lentils with rice for us.
              I leave the house around 3.30 p.m. to not have to run this time. I have to find my Blablacar ride.
              I buy some biscuits, bread, tomato and cheese. I am waiting in front of the Supermarket Maria Isabel told me. So for my lucky I decide to ask somebody’s phone and call her. A handsome grey bear man with a style girl save me. The thing is I had to go at the back of the place, where all the Blablacars stop, like a bus stop. I had no idea how much this thing is widespread in Spain. After everything that Maria Isabel told me about her husband (he was coming instead of her), the only thing that actually help me was the licence number. I get to the place and find him. The other two girls are with all their families and bla bla bla (no intentional joke) and I think it is kind of silly.
              Jose Miguel, the driver, it is too friendly in my opinion. He is not just nice, you know? There is something more on him that bothered me a little bit. But the travel is OK and quickly, so no problems.
              In Algeciras I am dropped in Corte Ingles and get completely lost in finding Josh place. Fucking Google Maps!
              Josh is very nice and I liked him very much. Apart of the same concerned thoughts about me in Africa as everybody else, we have a short but nice conversation. He is the kind of guy I would stay around for a long time without any problem. Unfortunately we talk for less than two hours because we both have to sleep and get up early next morning.
              The Port is quite far, over 1.5 Km. Luckily, I leave the house before 6.30 a.m., so I take the Ferry without an problem.
              And the best new is that they stamp my departure of Spain in my passport!

2 Replies to “Hitchhiking in Spain: Seville, Córdoba and Granada.”

  1. Hi, how are doing, and where are u now
    Iam glad that’s you r ok and still on ur plans i hope u r enjoying it and be safe please
    I miss u alot my friend and our discussion
    Be sure u r one of the best friend i have ever met and cross my life hugs and kisses

    1. Hello, my dear friend Ziyad! It is a good surprise to hear from you 🙂
      Yeah, I am still on my journey of travelling for 10 years! I am trying to be safe and happy at the same time. I miss you too. I appreciate your kindness and I am glad to know our friendship was also as important to you as it was for me. I hope you are doing well and have a lot of smiles in your life 🙂
      A big hug and lots of love!

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