
             Before I come to Spain, everyone who I talked about it used to say – Oh! Spain is beautiful! – like our friend from Coaisland, Gary. It is, I agree. Also everyone used to talk about the Spanish people and how they are wonderful people. Hum… I mean, I met some incredible people, really nice and helpful but is not that much I thought would be, you know? Here, I felt like there were pretty much more bad or ‘not given a shit at all’ people than the good ones.
              Being here made learn so many things about Spain and Catalunya. This is pretty nice! I could be inside this fight for freedom that Catalunya has been done for the last few years and get their points. I learn and prove some typical foods (even that the most local ones are made of meat) like the bread with tomato, sandwiches all the time, Mató cheese with honey, the mantecados (a pine nut type of cookie), the pumpkin soup, chickpeas with spinach, potato with green beans, bread soup, the most famous tortillas de patatas, and some other stuff.
              I also learn that for the kids who bring the presents in Christimas is not the Santa Claus but the three kings for whom they write their letters. Or even learn about some curious characters (to say the minimum) like the Tío de Nadal (or Caga Tío that translating is something like Uncle shit) which is a piece of wood with a creepy face and red clothes, putted in the living room in the first week of December and the kids not just “feed” it as also hit it to make this peculiar character defecate (to sound more polite) the presents. And not forget about the Cagón: a boy who is literally shitting (entitled to a piece of shit on the floor) and he is putted on the cribs in Catalunya.
              I might had increase my Spanish a little bit and also learn a tiny portion of the Catalan, which by the way is pretty different of our small famous brother. But I have to confess something: I think the Catalan a very ugly language! I am sorry but is how I feel about it. To hear people talking (in a very fast way of course, like everyone who speaks in your maternal language) it was pretty painful for me sometimes. Actually after those three months even the Spanish sound kind of ugly for me.
              I do not completely agree now when people say that Spanish and Brazilian are similar. I guess we have are similarities as much as with other countries. One particular thing we have in common is the passion for keep every crap that you could. Most of the houses have their garages full of everything that the family already used in their lives. They kept every single shit even know that they will never use again. Or they just have to many (useless) thing.
              The time I spent with the Costa Seuba family made me think about what means to be an over protection parents. The girls are nice and independent but they definitely are also spoiled. They lie and play with the parents judgement all the time. If they want something the only thing they have to do is start this pretending cry and that is it. And they both are so selfish! I really do not know what kind of human being they will become. They are definitely not studying enough with some many hours of extra classes every day and they are not dedicating passion to this extra classes stuff what will not make them be good enough on it! What sounds for me as a completely wast of time, money and life!
              Martina once said to me that I say to much ‘no’. I say enough ‘no’ the problem is she is used to just with ‘yes’.
              I am not saying we do not had some good time all together. We had our trips, we went to nice places, good restaurants, we even went to a fucking nice musical of Priscila: The Queen of the desert! I am just saying that being with this two families makes me really concern about what kind of kids are being created. What kind of world will be done by them?

My last night with my family from Catalunya, having some pizza, in Manresa.
Getting a hair cut before my travel to Africa! (I love Helena’s face xD)

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